Things I Want My Son To Remember


Things I Want My Son To RememberYou are brave. You are strong.

You will one day hold the heart of another. Be tender.

Always keep your lust for life. Continue to find excitement wherever you go.

Be a leader. Don’t be afraid to forge your own path.

If it dulls your joy, it’s not for you.

Learn, learn, learn. Take the time to seek an education.

Never give up on yourself or on your dreams.

Love your sister. Keep her safe. Look out for her until a spouse comes along and can do it better.

Be kind. No one likes a bully.

Stand up for yourself.

Try everything once. Then don’t do the bad things again.

Grow. Apologize. Move on.

Find ways to communicate your feelings. Don’t shrink them just because you’re a boy.

If you’re struggling, please tell me or your Dad. We don’t want to see you suffer if we can help.

Work hard. Get dirty. Pay your bills.

Don’t worry about being popular. No one cares after high school anyway.

Get outside. Sunshine is good for the soul.

Take a leap forward even when you’re scared.

Don’t put anything on a credit card you can’t pay off at the end of the month.

Have faith.

It’s ok to be scared. We all are at times.

Hold doors open. Shake her dad’s hand. Call, don’t text. Offer to pay for all the dates. Bring her home so we can meet her.

It’s never a bad idea to get a dog.

Be present for those you love. Time is the best gift.

One day, you’ll have a wife. Make her your priority.

Don’t be afraid to quit. Don’t be afraid to try again.

Be honest.

Lend a helping hand to those who need it.

Don’t step on others, figuratively and literally.

Know I am so very, very proud of you.

And always remember, I love you more than the moon. 



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