Watch My Kids Get Pranked on April Fools’ Day


During this time of pandemic, fear, worry, seclusion and sickness, it’s easy to focus on the negativity, sad stories and self-loathing. We are all dealing with different levels of stress regarding job security, homeschooling, loneliness, working the front lines and sick loved ones. Heck, just grocery shopping for essentials has increased my anxiety! It’s nice to have something to laugh at every once in a while, especially during moments of pandemonium. When I scroll through social media, I much prefer seeing funny memes and TikTok videos versus the latest Coronavirus numbers, so I decided to have fun with April Fools’ Day this year since we were all stuck at home. I canceled school to torture my kids with as many pranks as I could. These ideas were all stolen from the internet, so feel free to steal from me and use next year in your April Fool’s planning! Enjoy!

My first trick actually started the night before April 1. I wanted all of my kids to wake up with mustaches and discover it on their own. It surprisingly took my daughters 30 minutes watching TV directly next to each other and us talking to them several times before they noticed at breakfast time.

Watch My Kids Get Pranked on April Fools Day Click here to watch the video of my kids discovering the mustaches!

I also prepped the refrigerator the night before by adding googly eyes to many items. Such a fun and simple prank that even made my husband smile the next morning.

At lunch, I offered my two youngest kids juice. They always say yes to juice, so I knew this wouldn’t be an issue. Only problem was they couldn’t drink it! I prepared jello in cups the night before so when they went to drink through the straw nothing came out. My two-year-old was definitely confused. Check out that video here!

My seven-year-old is always down for retrieving the mail. After the mailman came, I snuck out and placed a fake rat inside — I didn’t want to scare the mailman! I thought my daughter would run from it, but apparently, she’s not as wimpy as I thought.

I also snuck out to super glue a nickel to the driveway. My oldest is all about adding to her piggy bank. My youngest doesn’t care much about savings yet. Either way, it was fun watching them try and pick it up. Check out the video of Eva trying to pick up a nickel here, and Ozzie trying to do so here!

One of the most classic April Fools’ jokes on kids is probably the brownie joke. I got them excited about brownies for dessert after dinner. Too bad my brown Es tasted like paper! I’ll try harder next time.

Check out the brownie presentation video here and a video of my youngest thinking my brown E is real here!

And last, because of this crazy time, I had to do the whole “we got an email from the school saying classes are back in session tomorrow.” I threw this one out there at bedtime as a grand finale. My kids have loved school being out, so I thought there would be tears, but they surprisingly handled it well.


Of course my kids didn’t let me completely off the hook. While I was working at my desk, my girls threw poop all over my floor. They think they’re soooo funny.

Thanks for following along in our April Fools’ 2020 adventures. Now that I’ve started this, I feel like I’ll have to up my game each year! If you have any awesome pictures or videos of your April Fool’s tricks with your kids, please post them in the comments so I can see them!


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