Postpartum Tips From A Certified Birth And Postpartum Doula


Postpartum Tips From A Certified Birth And Postpartum DoulaWhen I was pregnant with my first little one, I did hours of research about birth and how to care for my baby those first couple of weeks. What I failed to research was how to care for myself postpartum. I was floored when I came home looking six months pregnant, in an adult diaper, and with no idea how to best nourish myself as a nursing new mom. I spent about three months dazed and confused with a sweet husband who had no idea how to best support me other than to hold me and keep me hydrated through those beautiful, but jarring, couple of months with a newborn.

For my second pregnancy, I hired a doula to help support and guide us in hopes of avoiding the chaos of that first postpartum experience. My second postpartum experience was full of rest, good food, sweet company, and sunshine. It was so impactful that it motivated me to become a doula because I knew I had to help other mamas feel the peace I experienced postpartum.

Below I share a few postpartum survival tips that I have learned from my personal experience and through my journey as a doula. Hopefully these tips will help you thrive postpartum!

1. Prepare, prepare, prepare

The best thing I did to prepare for my postpartum period was to prepare my meals ahead of time. I froze tons of soups, stews, and easy crock pot meals that I could easily prepare within 30 minutes. The first time I went through the postpartum period I was most definitely not eating nourishing meals because I couldn’t think clearly enough to meal plan and shop for groceries while also taking care of a newborn. Like many people from my generation, I did not have a built-in community to help me with meals or household chores. Preparing things like meals can really help free up time for self-care and extra baby snuggles.

2. Stock up on teas and broths

The best tip I received from my doula (and now pass it on to my clients) was to stock up on teas and broths. I struggled to keep up my milk supply with my first little (most likely because I was malnourished and not well rested). Hydration and relaxation are huge factors in maintaining and increasing milk supply. Drinking tea and broth can help both relax and hydrate nursing mamas. When I was up at 3am nursing, I would ask my husband for water and tea or water and broth instead of just water to help keep myself calm and nourished. My favorite teas were Mother’s Milk tea, chamomile tea, and rose tea.

3. Get outside

Whether it is for just a few minutes in the morning or long walks with your baby, get outside! Being outside can have a huge impact on mood and energy levels postpartum. It can be so easy to stay cooped up those first few weeks, but getting outside can really help refresh and reset. I even found that my little one slept better on our walks and being outside during the day can help babies who have confused their days and nights. The benefits of being outside are plentiful, so prioritize getting some sunshine each day!

4. Set up a support system

When it comes to a support system, it is a great idea to give friends and family designated tasks instead of just asking for them to visit. An example of this would be to schedule a friend or family member to help with laundry once a week. If you’re without friends or family in the area, I suggest you reach out to mom groups on Facebook, your church, or wherever you find your community. Try to set up a meal train for those first couple of weeks. My last tip for setting up a support system is to hire a postpartum doula who will come in with important knowledge about nursing, nutrition, and postpartum care, and will also often be willing to watch the baby while you shower and sleep or even help with household chores.

We were not meant to do postpartum alone, so don’t be afraid to ask for help!

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Gloria Camacho
Hola Hola! My name is Gloria and I am a wife and mama to two little beans ages (almost) 2 and 4. We are a super outdoorsy family and will take any chance we get to go on a hike or for a relaxing float in the Townsend Wye! I am currently pursuing a degree in healthcare administration, a recently certified birth and postpartum doula, an in-home daycare owner, and homeschool mom! On the very rare occasion that I have some free time I will spend it reading, doing macrame, cooking (I make some mean tamales), or planning crafts to do with my littles! I cannot wait to share my adventures with you here on Knoxville Moms!


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