
I am a Knoxville transplant from northern grounds, but I can't imagine being anywhere else. My blue blood has strangely become orange and I get chills when I hear Rocky Top. I became all things mom in 2013 and it's crazy to think how much life has changed. I love temper tantrums, watching Toy Story over and over, and making food that doesn't get eaten. Welcome to the Toddler Years. When I'm not doing that, you can find me running, reading, shopping, or taking pictures {check out Adara Photography!}Saying No Makes Me Happy
I'll be honest: I'm not great at saying no. Saying yes is the easy answer; you don't have to give an explanation of why...
Thank You Cards? No, Thank You
Ok, you Southern proper moms, go ahead and clutch your pearls because what I am about to say is a bit explosive.
But, can we...
The Mom Friends I Waited Years For
Growing up, I had more guy friends than girl friends. Throughout the years, I had some close female friends but those relationships would wax...
The Preschool Graduate
Sweet Graduate,
I know you are only five, but you are a force. Your personality is electric, your smile is contagious and your wit is...
Easter, Er Christmas 2.0?
Growing up, the Easter Bunny always left our baskets full of candy. Well, honestly, he {she?} left our baskets full of my mom's favorite...
Millennial Parenting: The Kids Will Be Alright
We were born into a society where we played outside from sunrise to dusk. We rode our bikes miles away from our homes {usually...
New Year, New Me?
January always feels like a reset, a blank planner filled with days to be filled with activities and memories. I am a resolution gal,...