What Moms Really Want For Mother’s Day


What Moms Really Want For Mother’s DayThe month of May is here and the countdown to Mother’s Day is on! With the big day quickly approaching, I thought it would be fun to ask my fellow Knoxville Moms contributors what their favorite Mother’s Day gifts have been over the years. Hopefully, our list will inspire you.

Here are some of our favorite gifts:

  • Spa day
  • A massage
  • A solo hotel stay (a VERY popular answer)
  • T-shirt quilt made of special shirts
  • Jewelry with sentimental value
  • Flowers (planted by the husband and kids)
  • A cleaning service to deep clean the house
  • Homemade sentimental gifts from the kids

I found it interesting that our most-loved gifts follow some common themes.

Most of our favorite gifts involve being given time – whether it is alone time, time to be pampered, or time to do something we love. The time doesn’t even have to be anything fancy. Give us time to read a book in peace. Give us a chance to take a nap or a walk with no time restraints. Moms need time for themselves, and Mother’s Day is a great opportunity to give it to us.

Another common theme is that we love it when others do the planning. Moms carry so much of the mental load with all the thinking, scheduling, and managing. Our minds are full of never-ending lists and calendars. When Mother’s Day comes, give us a break. Let us shut our brains off for a little bit. Plan the day for us. We would love to just show up for a special spa day or for a massage we didn’t have to book. If you really want to impress us, plan all the meals for the day too.

Moms also love it when our significant other is thoughtful. Give us something with some meaning behind it. Prove you listen and notice the little things this Mother’s Day. Put some sentimental value into the gift. Gift us something you know we want or need but won’t buy ourselves. Homemade gifts are also great, especially if they come from the heart. Reading or hearing how much we are loved by our family is so affirming.

Obviously, every mom has different tastes when it comes to gifts, and there isn’t one perfect gift. Also, these ideas apply mainly to moms with kids still at home. But, I think it’s safe to say that all moms just want to feel appreciated on Mother’s Day.

No matter how it’s done, make sure to celebrate the special mom in your life on this special day. Let her know she is loved and valued, and that you see all that she does.



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