Check Yourself, Before You Wreck Yourself!


Check Yourself, Before You Wreck Yourself!

There is one special day a year designated to celebrate moms but that is not enough for me. I work hard. At the end of the day I get it together and am the best I can be – a beautiful mess.

Right after giving birth, it became apparent that my body and lifestyle had been obliterated. To be honest I embraced this and said to myself…”Hey grrrrrl, you just gave birth. Relax. Be a mess.” So I looked something like this…[couch potato, don’t wash my hair on the weekend{grease bomb}, flabby belly {food baby…checked with pregger test}, what is that smell {me}, where is that smell coming from {hinter regions}, what did I just eat off my clothes?]

And have felt like that for the past two years.

Recently that image has become a fun-house mirror for me, meaning I recognize that is a warped self-image and not reflective of who I truly am. That image is not healthy. I recognize that I need balance for me [emphasis on the “I” and “me”]. If I do not get it together I will not be such a beautiful mess but the real kind – overwhelmed, resentful, controlling, helicopter-live my life for my child-martyr type mom, clinically depressed.

This January I made a conscious decision to nurture and give birth to my true self. I am asking myself questions like:

  • What is most important to me?
  • What depletes me, sabotages me, gets in my way?
  • When I was a kid, who did I see myself as?
  • What do I love about me?
  • When I decide that I don’t really give a damn about what people think of me…what does that look like?

I am taking my time answering these questions. So far I know what is important to me: alone time, being creative, getting my hands in the dirt, being outside, and self care.

I am taking charge of my happiness.

I am making what is important to me a priority as often as I can.

I am kind to myself when I lose focus.

I listen to my soft inner voice that says “Be kind to yourself, hon. You got this. Keep moving. It takes practice to make change.”

I have taken action to: sneak in me time (before work, during lunch breaks, and before daycare pick up), join KMB as my creative outlet, sign up for my neighborhood community garden, organize a monthly camping trip, join a women’s lunch time group, attempt to eat healthier, and take recommendations from other mothers.

I ask for help. In fact, some of the KMB moms chimed in on how they self care:

  • I work through lunch…I run…I get a pedicure once a month. – Sarah
  • I read, write my posts…window shop… I am very lucky that my husband can usually tell when I’m nearing my breaking point and he will send me out somewhere to collect myself. KMB MNO have been a really great way for me to pamper myself…Connecting with other moms is one of the best ways to connect with myself too. – Caitland
  • I go to the gym. For my family’s collective sanity, it’s really important for me to sweat things out as often as possible. – Francesca
  • I love to go to lunch with my girlfriends, dinner with friends or my husband, food/beer festivals, basically I love good food and love any social time eating good food/drinks. Real pampering happens with a massage, which is definitely pampering but more therapeutic than anything for me, both mentally and physically. – Kara
  • I let [my kids] go to Mimi’s house as much as they want (usually 2 weekends a month). They have a blast and I can sit in my underpants and watch the DVR or fold laundry or do whatever else I need to do that I can’t or that’s hard with little people around. – Ashley
  • I went to the Iaomai Center in Concord for a massage today. They also do personalized yoga therapy, as well as nutrition and health mentoring. It is a small practice but so luxurious! – Mary Beth

I made a list of simple things I can do for myself:

self care

I am continually trying to find balance…I have few tools that have helped me and am sharing them on our Knoxville Moms Blog Pinterest as a lil’ gift to you.

Take care of yourself momma!


  1. Love this post, Lisa! I was just telling the Moms at soccer practice yesterday afternoon that I try to CRAM time in for me. Like my personal hygiene and overall mental state is not worthy of 30 minutes of reading or painting my toenails.

    All too often, we let busy and selflessness kinda squeeze us out of good self care practices.

    Looking forward to meeting you soon, fellow Scot!

    Meghan 🙂

  2. Always like reading the latest from Lisa! Especially since what you are going through is so remote (geographically and experientially) from me it really is great to read this. Moms and dads–and friends of moms and dads–all could learn from your posts.


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