Body After Baby

Once upon a time, I was a size zero, skinny as a rail, and could pretty much eat whatever I wanted without making a...

A Twinkle in Their Eyes

I was set to write a completely different post for today, when I looked over to my beautiful 9 month old as she smiled...

My Journey with Cloth {Cloth Diapering Series}

I don't really know what started my interest in cloth diapers, but if you had met me before I was a mother you probably...

Doing What’s Best for Baby and Mom {Feeding Your Baby Series}

Breastfeeding versus formula feeding seems to be such a touchy subject these days. There are some pretty hard core people on either side who...

Organizing My Life

It’s a New Year, and I’m itching to get my life in order!  With the chaos of the holidays and the end of a...

Will We Ever Survive?

I have to admit that as much as I love my kids, how easily I would die for them, how I would completely fall...

Happy New Year from KMB!

From all us over at Knoxville Moms Blog, we wish you a HAPPY NEW YEAR! We hope this is the best year yet for you....

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