Lindsay Ruggieri

Lindsay Ruggieri
Lindsay Barrows Ruggieri lives in East Knoxville with her 3-year-old daughter and husband. Lindsay owns Custom Love Gifts, Events, and Prints, a company in the wedding industry offering Event Planning, Gourment Favors, and Wedding Stationery. Lindsay is co-owner of The Bride Link, which offers expert wedding planning advice, including a Youtube Channel and Podcast. Lindsay has Masters degrees from WVU in Industrial Relations as well as a MBA.
Dealing with Stress, COVID, and Why You Need Counseling Now

Dealing with Stress, COVID, and Why You Need Counseling Now

Why are we so stressed? Life is tough, and COVID has made it so much tougher on all of us. Women in the workforce are...

3 Habits I Want to Force Myself to Do

I've always made new year's resolutions but never kept them. Oftentimes, I don't remember what they are by the time the year ends. This...
5 Ways a Small Business Does a Little Happy Dance When You Support It

5 Ways a Small Business Does a Little Happy Dance When You Support It

Y'all, I'm crying over here about how lucky we are right now with my small business. My little Etsy shop usually dries up right...
Why Do I Have So Much Stuff?

Why Do I Have So Much Stuff?

Looking through my house, you wouldn't believe me if I told you that I recently did a big purge of items. Really, I did...
Cheesecloth Table Runner

DIY Cheesecloth Fall Runner

I want to share a quick and easy DIY project for anyone who wants to add a little rustic elegance to their fall tablescape...

Just When I Thought There Could Be No More Guilt

Modern mothers hold themselves accountable for a lot: the kids, the career, the dishes. We feel responsible for a lot as well. The kids...

4 Activities You Can Enjoy When Being Outside is Best

Now that things are opening up, people are starting to move about. No matter your own opinion on masks, many choose not to wear...