Jordan Morgan
Wife & mama just winging this whole thing one day at a time. I have a love for words, travel, the South, family, Jesus, yoga, and a relaxing swing on the front porch. I try to find humor in all things and keep motherhood real – the good and the bad. My goal is to help women on the motherhood journey feel less alone. You can find me over on my blog at on Facebook @jordanmorganwriter or on instagram @mamayogatnSimple Yoga: Reduce Your Stress With These 10 Poses
It's no secret that the past two years have been stressful. There are numerous factors within each of our lives that have us all...
ABC Show and Tell List: Items Around The House
Show and Tell is a very exciting time at school for the students! I know it's my son's favorite day of the week. Since...
The Tip That Changed My Parenting: The 80-20 Rule
We all try our best to set boundaries and create rules for our children that will (hopefully) make them well-rounded, conscious contributors of society....
Mama, Take The Kids
If you had told pre-kid me that I was going to fly solo across the country with my four-month-old baby, I would've called you...
What My Family Learned From ISR Swim Lessons
My husband and I grew up on the water. Almost all sunny weekends of my childhood were spent on a boat and my husband...
Mama, Take The Trip (And Leave The Expectations Behind)
Traveling with young kids is not for the faint of heart. Heck, traveling with kids of any age is generally a free-for-all: someone is...
My Husband is My Best Friend
My husband is my best friend. It’s true. He became my best friend when I was 16 and we’ve been inseparable ever since. Any time...