Jenny Greene

Jenny Greene
I am a missionary-turned-mom from Kansas who loves to write, create, and enjoy life with my husband, Casey, my daughter Penelope, and our wild little boy, Eldon. After spending six years overseas, we returned to East Tennessee to find an overwhelming modern world- especially for moms! So in the search for a simpler life, I often look to previous generations for wisdom and guidance in everything from homemaking, to marriage, to child-rearing! Looking back helps me look forward and know that in this crazy mom-life, I'm never alone... and neither are you!
How Going Back to Work Saved My Sanity

How Going Back to Work Saved My Sanity {Even If It Didn’t Clean My...

I come from a long line of stay-at-home moms. My mom stayed home with my brother and I until we both were in school full-time. Even when I was in morning Kindergarten (back when that...


It's a familiar situation: the baby shares his first big smile. The toddler comes downstairs dressed... All by herself. That sweet boy brings you a cookie with only one bite taken out of it....

What Really Matters (Why I’m so glad New Year’s Day is Just Another Day)

I woke up yesterday morning to a New Year. All the clichés sang out their tunes... a clean slate, a second chance, a do-over, a new story, new year/new you. Resolutions. Commitments. Disciplines. Covenants. "Every...

Then There Were Two

We pulled out the Christmas decorations on Tuesday. Finally. (I'm an 'after Thanksgiving and not a moment sooner' kind of gal.) And as I waded through the closet I got more and more excited....

Why DIY Your Halloween Costume?

It's October!!! How and why October slowly became one of my favorite months, I will never know.  But I think it has something to do with the little person in my house, the promise of lots...

Becoming Big

Less than a month!  That's how long we have before our family is changed forever.  And while it's exciting, and washing tiny clothes again is so sweet, and the kicking in my belly is...

Nani Kalani Dress Review {Giveaway}

It's not everyday that my little Pirate gets to dress up and feel like a Princess.  But we had a shower for baby brother last week, and thanks to Knoxville mom, Melissa Desmond, and her online boutique...