
I'm a native Knoxvillian. When I'm not working full-time during the week, I'm spending quality time with my kids my wonderful husband and college sweetheart of 10 years. When I can find time for myself, I love to dig into a book or binge watch something on Netflix. And let's face it, I'm also a huge fan of shopping.

Being a “Good” Mom Made Me a Bad Friend

I'm not saying I was the kind of mother who refused to leave my child's side to spend time with some ways, that would have been more admirable. I was the kind of...

A Dad’s Perspective: Two to Tango, One to Raise our Daughter

This post was written by Nick Orlicz, Caitland's husband.  The age old expression “It takes two to tango,” I have learned, applies to creating the baby only and not to raising one. My wife...

Why I’m Practicing Secular Parenting

A few mornings ago, my usually sound sleeper woke up at 6:00 am (I know, poor me, right?). I heard her crying, went to get her out of her crib, and laid her in...

Kick off Summer with a BANG – 4th of July Happenings

(Events in chronological order) Freedom Fest - Alcoa 6pm - 10 pm Saturday, June 27 In addition to the dazzling display of explosives, an entertainment stage will be located in the Duck Pond parking lot. Musical performances by...

Your Guide to Online Thrifting

Hi, my name is Caitland (hi Caitland), and I have a shopping addiction. Real bad. I get an hour-long lunch break at my job...five minutes of that is scarfing down food so I can...
Before Two, It's Just YOU.

Before Two, It’s Just YOU.

  Darling daughter, Your second birthday should be all about you, and of course, I wouldn’t have it any other way. However, before you turn two, I want you to remember that it is just you....

A Fun Night Out with Wine & Canvas Knoxville {Review}

As a mom, what could be more fun than getting out for an evening with the girls and maybe having a glass of wine? Drinking AND painting, that’s what! For our most recent Knoxville...