
I'm a native Knoxvillian. When I'm not working full-time during the week, I'm spending quality time with my kids my wonderful husband and college sweetheart of 10 years. When I can find time for myself, I love to dig into a book or binge watch something on Netflix. And let's face it, I'm also a huge fan of shopping.

Your Baby Sleeps in What?! And Other Fascinating Cultural Traditions

I have never set foot out of the continental United States, and I’ve only been lucky enough to venture outside of the Southeast a handful of times so it’s no wonder that other cultures...
Tokophobia A Fear of Motherhood

Tokophobia: A Fear of Motherhood

Can I let you in on a secret? It might seem a little shocking, but I didn't always want to be a mother. I was never 100% aboard the "bring on the babies!" train....
8 Reasons to Love Daycare

8 Reasons to Love Daycare

Daycares get a lot of flack. Germs (germs, and more germs), strangers watching your kids, the rising cost, etc. While I don't love the cost of daycare, I am learning to love daycare (yes,...

Confessions of a Formula Feeder

I think we can all agree that there is a lot of mom shaming that goes on. Natural birth vs. epidural, home birth vs. hospital birth, cloth vs. disposable, formula vs. breast, and on...

Birthday Reflections: Why I Celebrate

As if the New Year didn't already lend itself to a ritual of new beginnings and (attempted) life-altering resolutions, I have the pleasure of being doubly afflicted by a January 2nd birthday. When you...

New Year, New Cheer

Do you know where I'm going to be at 11:59 p.m. on New Year's Eve mommas? Yes, you guessed it. I'm going to be IN BED and loving every minute of it. I think...
The Heart of the Holidays

The Heart of the Holidays

The holidays make me nostalgic. I yearn to be a kid again, sneaking around with my siblings trying to find the hidden Christmas presents. I yearn for the giddiness of the last half day...