12 Days ‘Til Christmas (Parody Song)


12 Days 'Til Christmas (Parody Song)

Sung to the tune of “12 Days of Christmas” (but backwards)

Twelve days ‘til Christmas and what’s annoying me?
A dried out, shedding Christmas tree.

Eleven days ‘til Christmas and what’s annoying me?
Empty bank accounts
And a dried out, shedding Christmas tree.

Ten days ‘til Christmas and what’s annoying me?
Lack of energy
Empty bank accounts
And a dried out, shedding Christmas tree.

Nine days ‘til Christmas and what’s annoying me?
Sick snotty kids
Lack of energy
Empty bank accounts
And a dried out, shedding Christmas tree.

Eight days ‘til Christmas and what’s annoying me?
Elllf on the Shelllf
Sick snotty kids
Lack of energy
Empty bank accounts
And a dried out, shedding Christmas tree.

Seven days ‘til Christmas and what’s annoying me?
Gaining seven pounds
Elllf on the Shelllf
Sick snotty kids
Lack of energy
Empty bank accounts
And a dried out, shedding Christmas tree.

Six days ‘til Christmas and what’s annoying me?
Crowds and crazy traffic
Gaining seven pounds
Elllf on the Shelllf
Sick snotty kids
Lack of energy
Empty bank accounts
And a dried out, shedding Christmas tree.

Five days ‘til Christmas and what’s annoying me?
Last minute shopping
Crowds and crazy traffic
Gaining seven pounds
Elllf on the Shelllf
Sick snotty kids
Lack of energy
Empty bank accounts
And a dried out, shedding Christmas tree.

Four days ‘til Christmas and what’s annoying me?
Running out of gift wrap
Last minute shopping
Crowds and crazy traffic
Gaining seven pounds
Elllf on the Shelllf
Sick snotty kids
Lack of energy
Empty bank accounts
And a dried out, shedding Christmas tree.

Three days ‘til Christmas and what’s annoying me?
Expedited shipping
Running out of gift wrap
Last minute shopping
Crowds and crazy traffic
Gaining seven pounds
Elllf on the Shelllf
Sick snotty kids
Lack of energy
Empty bank accounts
And a dried out, shedding Christmas tree.

Two days ‘til Christmas and what’s annoying me?
Burnt the Christmas cookies
Expedited shipping
Running out of gift wrap
Last minute shopping
Crowds and crazy traffic
Gaining seven pounds
Elllf on the Shelllf
Sick snotty kids
Lack of energy
Empty bank accounts
And a dried out, shedding Christmas tree.

One day ‘til Christmas and what’s annoying me?
Mariah on repeat
Cookies are store-bought
Shipping – kiss my butt
Yikes I’m out of gift wrap
Please – no more shopping
I can’t stand this traffic
Now up to nine pounds
(stupid) Elllf on the Shelllf
Kids are all still sick
Energy depleted
I have no more money
And that dried out, shedding Christmas treeeee.

Merry Christmas!


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