What I Really Want for Christmas


 What I Really Want for Christmas

Christmas is almost here y’all! If your household is anything like mine, you are knee-deep in Christmas spirit and activities. I’ve been buying presents, making presents, and wrapping presents — my husband and family are going to be so surprised when they see what they’ve gotten everyone on our list. I’ve decorated our home, made all the holiday goodies, and sang all the Christmas songs. What have my husband and precious children done? Well, my husband has mentioned a few times that we seem to have more glitter everywhere this year and he’s consumed many a Christmas cookie and appetizer. My precious sweet perfect children have rearranged my tree about one hundred times, they’ve used my snowman decor piece in our office as a soccer ball, and they’ve snuck many a cookie and tried to snoop out their presents. 

Relax. Relax. I’m mostly kidding. Mostly.

My husband works outside the home and this time of year his work kicks into high gear and he often works late hours. I work from home, so many of the tasks associated with the Christmas spirit fall into my lap. My kids, well all that was true. I enjoy ALL the extra that comes along with this holiday, but I would be lying if I said it didn’t take a toll on me. I spend so much time thinking of everyone else that I feel almost selfish when I try and express what I want or need during this time. But, I saw this meme of social media that really got me in the feelings. 

So, in the interest of self-promotion, here are three things for which my heart yearns. This doesn’t list the fact that I want quality family time, precious homemade gifts from my children, or world peace. Let’s assume all that with this list, mmmmmkay?

1. A retreat.

I’m not talking about a multi-person retreat. Nope. I would like a hotel room for one calendar weekend (Friday evening through Sunday checkout time) FOR ME. Just me. Myself. Moi. What do I plan to do? Well, whatever the heck I want. I want a hot breakfast with hot coffee that I eat in a normal human fashion in a normal human length of time. Then, I want to take a shower (or bath if I feel like it) by myself without a human trying to pull back the curtain to ask where a toy is. I would like to pee in privacy without fingers poking under the door or someone trying to burst inside. I want to NAP. Oh my heavenly stars, I want a nap. I want a pillow to myself and covers to myself and quiet. Glorious peaceful quiet. Later, I might get crazy and command the remote and watch what I want. No cries for Paw Patrol or American Picker. I’ll finally get to actually watch a tv series without waiting weeks or months in between. I might go for a walk around the city by myself, eat a dinner by myself and eat what I want. Not cries for chicken nuggets or grilled cheese. I want some sushi. Maybe a steak. I might get crazy and order some wine.

2. An outing that is planned by someone who is not me.

Simple really. I want to go somewhere and do things that are fun…and I want to be surprised or at least relaxed because I haven’t spent one hundred hours orchestrating it. 

3. A clean home that hasn’t been cleaned by me.

There are services where someone comes to your house and cleans up. How amazing! I mean, can you imagine? For those of you who have this service, let me bask in your glory. I mean, I clean my house about eleventy billion times a week, but I have nothing to show for it. I would relish not using a vacuum cleaner or scrubbing a toilet. Someone mopping? I think my house might crumble because I don’t even know if I have a mop since I haven’t used it in so long. Someone cleaning windows and baseboards? That’s next level right there. Sign me up. I want to feel bougie and extra. 

So, that’s it. That’s what I want. What I really, really want. What do you truly want, Mama?


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