As parents, we want the best for our children. We want them to grow up well-rounded, educated, and ready to take on the world. But sometimes, the paths to those goals don’t always align perfectly. To be completely transparent with you all, recently, I’ve been struggling with mixed emotions about my child’s attendance in school.
This school year, my son has missed seven days of school. On one hand, the guilt is overwhelming. I understand the importance of consistency in education, and I worry about how his absences might affect his progress. On the other hand, I feel pride when I think about the life experiences he’s gained during those absences. My son has had the incredible opportunity to travel the world with me. Together, we’ve visited historical landmarks, immersed ourselves in different cultures, and learned lessons you simply can’t find in a textbook.
But now, the reality of those missed days has caught up with us.
In Tennessee, whenever a child misses five or more days during the school year, they are considered truant. State law requires both my son and I to attend a Tier 2 Attendance Conference in the Hardin Valley Academy Auditorium. This conference serves as a reminder of the importance of attendance and chance to develop a plan to improve moving forward. If the issue persists, there could even be legal consequences which is why it is important as parents to stay informed about attendance policies and make sure your child makes it to school each day.
I’ll admit, I’ve been deeply disappointed in myself when it comes to the expectations I have as a parent. I always strive to give my child the best, but knowing he’s already missed seven days of school this year weighs heavily on me. I can’t help but feel like I’ve fallen short of providing the structure and consistency he needs. As much guilt as I’ve felt over my child’s school absences, I’m learning the importance of showing myself grace. It’s easy to dwell on mistakes but the truth is, none of us are perfect. Every parent is doing the best they can with the tools they have and that effort alone deserves recognition.
As I prepare for this meeting, I’ve reflected on how we, as a family, can avoid future absences and tardiness. While there are simpler solutions, I have even started to consider homeschooling as an option. It would allow us to turn our adventures into hands-on learning experiences while keeping up with his education. It’s a big decision and comes with its own set of challenges, but it’s something I can’t ignore. It feels overwhelming, but I plan to start researching it for the next school year. More to come on that…
Remember parenting is never easy, and finding the right balance between academics and life experiences can feel impossible at times. But I’m learning that each challenge is also an opportunity for growth — for both my child and myself. While I face the challenges of improving my son’s attendance, I also hold onto the belief that the memories and lessons we’ve shared as a family are just as valuable as anything learned in the classroom.
If you’re a parent struggling with similar feelings, just know you’re not alone. We’re all doing our best, and that’s what truly matters.