
Hi there! I'm Shante Coleman, many know me as Shante YuSlay! I am a licensed esthetician, tattoo artist, professional makeup artist, wife and a proud mom to a wonderful 6-year-old boy. My journey as an entrepreneur and makeup artist has been an incredible adventure. Through my work, I've had the privilege of working on TV shows, glamming celebrities & helping countless individuals look and feel their best. I truly feel blessed with the life I've been given--to wake up every day and do something I love! But there's another side to me that's just as fulfilling and challenging – being a mom. Parenting is a rollercoaster ride, filled with laughter, love, and chaos. My son is my biggest inspiration, and I cherish every moment we spend together. In my home we are always crafting, cooking and finding fun ways to spend time together. I hope as I share my experiences, tips and tricks, it will be helpful to others. I truly look forward to contributing to the Knoxville Moms! Join me on this journey as I balance the glam and giggles of parenthood in Knoxville!
Sweet Science: Make Ice Cream In A Ziplock Bag With Your Kids

Sweet Science: Make Ice Cream In A Ziploc Bag With Your Kids

Summer is here, and what better way to cool down than with a fun and easy ice cream making activity you can do right at home? Making ice cream in a Ziploc bag is...
8 Kid-Friendly International Restaurants To Explore In Knoxville

8 Kid-Friendly International Restaurants To Explore In Knoxville

Welcome to a world of flavors right here in Knoxville! If you are looking for a taste of the globe without leaving town, you've come to the right place. Knoxville is home to a...

Introducing International Cuisines To Knoxville Kids

As moms, we're always looking for new ways to spice up mealtime and broaden our children's culinary horizons. Introducing international cuisines to your children is not only a fun adventure, but also an excellent...
A Guide To Traveling With Small Children

A Guide To Traveling With Small Children

With spring break right around the corner there will be a lot of families traveling with children. While the excitement of the actual vacation is something to look forward to, I don’t think many...
Top 10 Beauty Must-Haves For Moms in 2024

Top 10 Beauty Must-Haves For Moms In 2024

As moms, we often juggle countless responsibilities, leaving little time for self-care. However, taking care of our skin and appearance can boost our confidence and overall well-being. In 2024, the beauty industry has blessed...
Thanksgiving Recipes For Kids

Thanksgiving Recipes For Kids

Thanksgiving is a time for family, gratitude, and of course, delicious food. If you have little ones at home, involving them in the cooking process can be a fun and educational experience. I've researched...