Tips For A Safe Food Allergy Holiday Season


Food allergies are a tough part of life, but during the holiday season it gets even more rough.  With so many different places to eat and people bringing food, the risk of exposure to a food allergen increases.  Through the years I have learned the hard way what I need to do to have a safe and healthy food allergy holiday season.  Each time I threw a cookie in my mouth without thinking, only to realize it was filled with peanut butter, the party would end right there for me.  I finally learned that I need to ask, bring my own food, and stay aware.  By doing this I can enjoy the festivities and still put my health first.

I know how scary the holidays can be if you or a loved one has a food allergy, but it is definitely possible to still participate, have fun, and stay safe.  Here are some tips I’ve learned over the years to have fun and avoid my food allergens.

tips for a safe food allergy holiday

Stop Sign

Think of a stop sign before you grab a plate.  Stop, look around, and make sure everything looks safe before digging in.  In the past, jumping in assuming things were safe led to many allergic reactions for me.

Speak up

Don’t be afraid to share with the hostess ahead of time that you or your child have a severe food allergy.  This isn’t always possible, but if you do know the hostess talk with her ahead of time.


Before you start eating let the hostess know what your allergies are and ask what dishes you should avoid.  This is so important!  I used to be afraid to ask people, worried I would offend them, but I’ve found most people are happy to help put your mind at ease.

Watch for cross contamination

Using the same tongs in a salad without nuts and a salad with nuts will be a problem for someone with a severe food allergy.  If someone says a dish they made is free of nuts, but they were preparing a pie that contains nuts at the same time, you could still suffer the consequences.  Always keep this in mind as you’re eating away from home.

Bring your own food to share

I often feel badly eating at other people’s homes because of my food allergies.  By bringing a dish or two I am helping contribute to their meal, and I know there is something safe for me to eat.

Remember you are the expert on your food allergy

People mean well but only you can judge whether you think something is safe for you or your little ones.  Don’t feel badly if you choose not to eat – you need to judge what is safe for you.  Those who care about you want to help keep you safe.

Have fun!

Don’t be afraid to go places and have a great time!  Just be aware of your environment and take precautions to keep yourself or your kids safe.  But don’t let food allergies ruin the fun.  The holidays are a time of celebration and those of us with food allergies need to celebrate, too!

Do you or a loved one have a food allergy?  What do you do to be extra careful this time of year?  Any tips to share with us?



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