The Ultimate Disney Park Bag


The Ultimate Disney Park Bag

Any time you go to an amusement or theme park with children, there is all sorts of planning and preparation you have to do leading up to the days of the trip. The older your children get, the less stuff you need, but you still need a baseline of items in your arsenal for the long hours spent at the parks.

This is especially true when visiting Disney World!

I am by no means an expert, but I like to think of myself as knowledgeable in this area. I grew up in South Florida, so trips to Disney World were a short three-hour drive for my family. Then, I attended college in Orlando, an even shorter thirty-minute trip to the Happiest Place On Earth. So naturally, when I had children of my own, Disney World became a place I made sure to frequent so my children would grow up with the same Disney experience I did, despite the fact that I am no longer a Florida resident. It was definitely a sad, sad day when I had to purchase tickets with my non-Florida ID!   

Over the years and through trial and error, I have come up with a list of tried-and-true items I make sure to pack when my family visits Disney. I have had to adjust items throughout the years, so it is up to you and what works for your family as far as what you deem necessary for a day at the parks.

Here is my suggested list:

  • Packable backpack: First and foremost, you are going to need a sturdy and lightweight backpack. I have found this Gonex Ultra Lightweight Packable Backpack to be spacious enough to hold all that I need without being heavy and cumbersome. I especially like this backpack because it is foldable and inexpensive.
  • Ponchos: The weather in central Florida is completely unpredictable, so it’s best to be prepared with these disposable rain ponchos that come in a five pack.
  • Portable battery: It is literally the worst when your phone dies and you are somewhere like Disney and don’t have access to all the things you need like your camera and the My Disney Experience app (which allows you to book Lightening Lanes, check out wait times on rides, and also use the map to navigate your way around). So take it from me…you want one of these!
  • Sunglasses: Since you will be in the Sunshine State, I highly suggest having a pair of sunglasses to block out the glare throughout the day. These Goodr glasses are some of my favorites. They are lightweight, reliable, and reasonably priced.
  • Sunscreen: The UV rays are strong, even if it is overcast, so make sure to pack a bottle of sunscreen. A favorite to use while in Florida is the Neutrogena Beach Defense for my body and Supergoop for my face.
  • Hand sanitizer and Wet Wipes: I like to have both of these in my park bag. Hand sanitizer is better for germ purposes, but one of our favorite treats when we are at Disney is the Dole Whip which can get super sticky on little hands, so I also like to keep Wet Ones handy.
  • Snacks: Disney allows guests to bring their own food into the parks. I pack a couple of small snacks like chips or granola bars. We don’t always use them, but I like to have them if somebody is hungry while waiting in a longer than expected line.
  • Water bottles: Some people pack an insulated water bottle for everyone in their group, but my husband usually just throws in a handful of store bought water bottles that we refill throughout the day. There are tons of water filling stations throughout the parks if you don’t mind the distinct taste of Orlando water!
  • Light layer: Going back to the unpredictable nature of Florida’s weather, as evening approaches, someone in your group may find themselves feeling a little chilly. For moments like these, I like to have a cardigan or sweatshirt in our backpack.
  • Small first aid kit: Even though there are first aid stations in each of the Disney parks, they can seem far away when a booboo arises. I always keep a small bottle of children’s pain reliever, band-aids, and bug repellant on hand.
  • Disney character autograph book: Although this is sadly not something I have to make sure to pack now that my children are older, when they were little, it was high on the list to pack. You never know where a Disney character will pop up and having an autograph book such as this one is a great way to keep track of fun memories.

These items have been essentials in my park bag for about six years. Individual items may vary based on the needs of your group or the ages of your children, but I have found that these essentials have withstood the test of time from having toddlers to preteens!

What are some of your park bag essential items?

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Stephanie Ransdell
Hi! I’m Stephanie, an elementary school teacher and mom to two, a girl, and a boy. My husband I have been married for 12 years now, together for 21. I am a Knoxville transplant, and am originally from South Florida. I am UCF alumni, a Miami Hurricanes fan, and a recently converted Vols supporter! I have loved calling Knoxville home and raising my family here. I love getting the chance to experience seasons and all things fall related, which you don’t get in the Sunshine State! We love to explore all that Knoxville has to offer and have made many memories. I am an avid reader, coffee drinker, black belt shopper, Disney enthusiast who loves a good laugh with good friends and family. I am so excited to share my experiences and thoughts on navigating life as a mom with you all through my passion of writing!


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