Pinterest, a Love/Hate Relationship


So I don’t know about you, but I can spend HOURS scrolling through picture after picture on Pinterest. Of course when I sit down it’s supposed to be for only for 5 minutes, and then next thing you know, it’s been 2 hours!

I love Pinterest for giving me the hope of being creative. I’m sure some of you know what I mean. I’ll “pin it” for later, for that time after the kids go to bed and I’m actually caught up on household chores. But whom am I kidding? That doesn’t happen. But anyway, I have the thought of doing it one day and that counts for something, right?!?

The flip side of this relationship is when I do find something quick and easy and have the courage to actually attempt it, I remember that I’m not a crafty person after all.  But I attempt it anyhow and I gather all my supplies and start out…and about 5 minutes in I realize I’m crazy for doing this and just know I’m going to end up with one of those “Pinterest Fails” photo ops. (They’re hilarious if you haven’t seen them before.)

For all those “crafty” moms out there, more power to you!! I wish I could be you, but I know in my heart, I’m just not one. Every so often I get a glimmer of hope and have a successful Pinterest creation, but more times than not, it’s just a dream that will forever stay pinned.

So I don’t take pictures of my fails, because it’s too embarrassing, but I do have a few pictures of my successes. This is of our son from his Drive-In Movie Birthday party.

Thank You Pinterest!!



  1. OMG, Pinterest is my crack! I am crafty, and even I’ve had some doozies, though! I have board upon board and pin upon pin, and I’ve only tried a few. I actually started a board called “tried/completed” for motivation, lol! I have found some great ones though. I just always forget to take pictures at all.


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