Do you like clothes? Do you like name brand clothes? In particular, do you like getting a really good deal on name brand clothes without having to fight for parking spots on holidays or at the outlet malls?
Then listen up friends!
I’m on a bit of a subscription box series kick because truthfully I just love the mixture of convenience coupled with an element of surprise. And while I’ve given Stitch Fix a fair shot (about four or five boxes) and had some great successes and terrible flops, it was too costly for my frugal nature.
Needless to say, when I heard about the thredUP Goody Boxes, I was intrigued.
If you haven’t heard of thredUP, it’s essentially the largest online thrift store for name brand clothing, shoes, accessories, etc. They have an amazing selection, but it’s also slightly overwhelming and intimidating, especially now that they’ve also implemented a restocking fee when you purchase and return certain items.
The thredUP Goody Box is their version of Stitch Fix.
A stylist will curate a collection of clothes, shoes or accessories for a fee of $10 (that’s the price as of this post’s publication; it’s normally $20), and that $10 credit will go toward anything you purchase. Once your box arrives, you have seven days to decide and return any unwanted items at no cost — they provide the return shipping label.
Let me say right away, price point aside, there are some really unique advantages to the GoodyBox over Stitch Fix. For starters, they have different kinds of boxes you can order – anything from a 9 to 5 business appropriate attire to weekend/loungewear to tropical vacation outfits. In total, there are six different kinds of boxes you can order, which provide a lot of variety. The second reason I appreciate the Goody Box is that you receive 10 items, which gives you fairly good odds of liking at least one item. Stitch Fix only sends five items and oftentimes, those odds were not in my favor. The last and best thing about the Goody Box is that you don’t have to subscribe. You can just order a box as you want it.
I chose the “Just for You” box which includes 10 handpicked items by a stylist and I specified dresses, tops, skirts and jewelry. They even give you a link to put in a Pinterest board (much like Stitch Fix) to try to accommodate your taste and style.
I’m going to be honest: I ordered one box and didn’t keep a single thing. It didn’t match my taste so I packed it all up and sent it back. I was only out $10, and let’s face it; that’s a fast food meal I didn’t really need to eat anyway. After sending the box back, they sent me an email saying they’d waive the fee for my next box if I wanted to give it another try. Why not? I left some feedback based on my previous box, and my new box came.
Low and behold, this time I wanted to keep half of the box — if only the sizing had been more on point, which isn’t necessarily their fault since all brands are different. I only ended up keeping one top, but truthfully, if four of the items had a better fit, I would have happily kept five out of 10 items. I also learned that I would rather receive clothing than jewelry since I’m pretty particular about the jewelry items I like.
All in all, it was definitely worth doing a second time. I just wish more of it had fit. I truly can’t wait to try it again and request the same stylist.