Get Ready With Me, SAHM Style


Get Ready With Me, SAHM Style

When I was a full-time teacher, my attire was always pretty much decided for me. If I wasn’t wearing my typical skirt/blouse/professional pants, it was either Jeans Fridays (whoo hoo!) or Spirit Days. I always knew what to wear. But then I was staying home almost every day and adjusting to the new responsibilities within my home. One of the unexpected adjustments was having to answer this question: “What do I wear?”

I learned quickly that it was WAY too easy to just stay in my pajamas all day without getting ready.

I would be so focused on taking care of others, that I would forget to take care of myself. I had two small children, a post-baby body I wasn’t used to dressing, and I was figuring out how to navigate my new life stage. One day, when I was trading stories about the woes of staying at home, one of my mom friends told me that she always felt better when she got up and got dressed in the morning. As I’ve settled into this new role and what it looks like for me and my family, I have found my friend’s advice to be SO true.

This one is a joke, but really…I knew I was in my 30s when I started doing my clothes shopping at the same place I do my grocery shopping (lookin’ at you, Sam’s/Costco, Kroger Marketplace, Target, and Walmart…two-birds-one-stone and all, am I right?!) 

As moms working within the home, we have mouths to feed, laundry to do, messes to clean up, errands to run, and games to play with the littles. I needed a way to feel cute AND comfortable while I tackle all my new job duties. And ideally, I needed them to either be from somewhere convenient for me or easily found online.

Here are some of my go-to clothing pieces that help me feel a little more put together in the midst of all my to-dos:

1. A cute, oversized graphic tee. Oversized tees are perfect for remaining comfortable but they’re also “in” right now! Southern Made Tees in Knoxville has the cutest selection of t-shirts in their store and they also have online shopping.

2. Buttery black leggings. These from Amazon are high-waist, buttery soft, AND have a pocket. They’re definitely fancier than my pj pants, LOL!

3. Comfortable tennis shoes. Nike’s are my go-tos, but whatever brand you prefer, tennis shoes are perfect for staying comfortable for errand-running, long walks at the park or zoo trips!

4. A TINY bit of make-up. Let’s face it: unless you’re Super Woman, a full-face of make-up is not realistic for SAHMs. Our kids are waking up early and demanding Bluey or breakfast or to play Barbies…but finding five minutes while they eat their cereal to pop on a little mascara or moisturizing foundation goes a long way in feeling put together. This is my go-to mascara. And if I’m feeling fancy, this is my favorite foundation that blurs imperfections.

5. Cute earrings. I’m a little biased on this one because I run a small-business making earrings, but wearing any kind of earrings makes me feel a little bit more like myself.

What would y’all add to the list? Comment below with your mom wardrobe go-to!


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