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I am finding that it is really important to me to mark moments. I don’t want to slip through life without pausing to pay attention. It is hard to do that when it feels like we are always moving...
The Silent Generation, Baby Boomers, Generation X, Millennials, Gen Z, and all the other labels for the generations to come. Which generation are you?  I'd like to take a moment to label the generation that my children are in....
Congratulations, Mom! You made it through a whole year of kindergarten! Nine months ago you bought every supply on the list, packed up that pristine backpack, brushed back those wild hairs, gave a kiss (or five thousand) and sent them off...
Sometimes parents need a night out! Finding a sitter can be difficult if you're new to Knoxville or if you don't have any family nearby to help out. The next time you want a date night, check out these Knoxville...
On May 8th, the City of Knoxville had a grand opening of Lakeshore Park’s latest woodland playground, generously donated by Ann and Joe Huie. Nestled in the northeast corner of the park, the Huie Woodland Playground is a one-of-a-kind,...
There is no other way to say it: 2024 has been kicking my butt. My family has had way more than our fair share of sickness and health scares. The most recent bout of germs resulted in a scary...