Is Mommy Happy?

Our daughter is pushing three years old.  She's adorable.  Loves to talk.  Makes us burst with joy when she smiles.  Amazes us with her...

Pinterest, a Love/Hate Relationship

So I don’t know about you, but I can spend HOURS scrolling through picture after picture on Pinterest. Of course when I sit down...

When Life Surprises You

Sometimes I wonder what on earth God was thinking giving me three boys. While I am not a girly-girl by any means, I admit...

The Connection {Birth Stories Series}

Lots of moms think about it...but it's such a taboo topic. What if I don't "feel it" like I should? What if I don't make "the...

Healthy Crockpot Meals

I love my crock pot!  It helps me make good food with little effort and even less time.  My mother-in-law once told me it...

Body After Baby

Once upon a time, I was a size zero, skinny as a rail, and could pretty much eat whatever I wanted without making a...

A Twinkle in Their Eyes

I was set to write a completely different post for today, when I looked over to my beautiful 9 month old as she smiled...

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