My Mother’s Daughter
While I was growing up, my mom's famous words after every disagreement we had were "just wait until you have a child of your...
Mama’s Performance Review
So nobody handed me a guidebook in the delivery room and said, "Here you go dear. Here are your expectations for the year and...
Why I Quit Wearing Make-Up (and You Can Too)
Okay, before anyone who actually knows me calls me a liar, let me confess that I do, in fact, wear make-up sometimes. I get...
Kick off Summer with a BANG – 4th of July Happenings
(Events in chronological order)
Freedom Fest - Alcoa
6pm - 10 pm Saturday, June 27 In addition to the dazzling display of explosives, an entertainment stage will be...
Summer Heat and Tips for Your Car from PRO TOY {Giveaway}
For Barry Dickey, owner of PRO TOY, devastating personal loss didn't mean a collapse in spirit but instead led to a greater devotion and...
Letting Go Of Good
There are a lot of good things in our lives. We are busy people, always going, doing. And most of what we are doing...
Those Summer Nights
I grew up during that amazing time when summers were spent almost exclusively outside. Even during those fluke, pop-up thunderstorms, we’d traipse down to...
In + Around Knoxville
10+ Ski Resorts Within A Day’s Drive From Knoxville
My family loves to snow ski. We all ski, even my youngest who is five. She started when she was three! Our favorite place...