Back To School Hacks To Help Your Days Go More Smoothly


Back To School Hacks To Help Your Days Go More Smoothly

Somehow we’re here again: back to school already. Is it just me or does summer seem to go faster with each passing year? This is the first year where I am TRULY not ready to start back. At all. I’m extremely unmotivated and can’t summon the desire to jump into everything just yet.

Like it or not, school is back in session and time marches on. Fortunately, after nearly two decades of back-to-school, we have routines in place that make sliding back into the school year fairly seamless. 

Here are some back-to-school routines to help make your days go more smoothly: 

1. Get your kids involved

This is the most important piece of the puzzle. No matter their age, it’s never too early to start. My younger kids saw my oldest getting up and starting his morning work, and when their time came, they couldn’t wait to jump in too. I didn’t have to say a word! Give them age-appropriate, bite-sized steps as your work towards your ultimate goal. While at times it will certainly feel easier/faster to just do it yourself, I promise it will pay off in the future! 

2. Prepare lunches the night before

Packing school lunches seems to be amongst many people’s least favorite things. So much so, that I’ve had multiple people tell me they pay for private school just so they don’t have to think about lunches! Again, get your kids involved. Give them an outline to follow so that they aren’t packing a lunch box full of junk food, while still allowing them the ever-important independence of choice. You can pre-prep and plan, and teach them valuable lessons along the way. When they are older, it will be second nature. Here are some simple ideas if you get in a rut, and here are some fancy ones. 

3. Have easy breakfast options

If you want to prepare breakfast every day, by all means, go for it. At least, start the morning prepared by having a plan the night before! However, breakfast is easily something you can take off your plate, pun intended. Whether that means teaching your kids to pour their own cereal and milk, batch cooking and freezing pancakes, waffles, egg cups, etc. that they can heat up independently, or eventually teaching them to cook on their own. My nine-year-old is so proud of his cooking skills that he often makes eggs or pancakes for everyone else too!

4. Have a designated bag for each activity

If your child plays multiple sports, have a separate sport bag for each activity. Keep all necessary items in it so all they need to do is get dressed and grab their bag. Keep a checklist nearby so they remember items that can’t stay in the bag (water bottle, snacks, etc.). The same goes for any other type of activity they do at least once a week: band, academic clubs, shuffle between houses, etc.

5. Pack bags the night before                                                                           

Each night, look at what’s on your agenda for the next day. Pack any school and activity bags, and leave them in a designated spot by the door so they won’t be forgotten on the way out. This will eliminate last-minute running around and inevitably forgetting something, thus greatly reducing your stress levels. 

6. Don’t run things to school if your kid forgets

You may want to give them three passes, but generally speaking, let your kids learn from their mistakes in a safe way. Your children will take more accountability and responsibility in the above habits if they know you won’t be running to fix every mishap.

7. Meal plan and freeze meals                                                                      

I’ve written about this before, but it’s probably the primary reason we don’t have fast food every night. As a family always on the go, spending a few hours prepping freezer meals is worth its weight in gold. I’m also a huge fan of freezer meal parties or prepping while catching up with a friend. 

8. Have a set time for homework

Getting into a routine of when and where to do homework not only eliminates the struggle of having to nag your kids to do it, but it also instills positive study habits. Some people like to knock homework out shortly after the kids get home, while others prefer to save it for after dinner. Figure out whatever works best for your family and do your best to keep it consistent. 

9. Read daily

I can’t emphasize the importance of this one. Don’t solely read for academic purposes, but instill a love or at least an appreciation, for reading within your children. Reading provides a social-emotional outlet as well. It provides an escape, a distraction, a sense of calm, better sleep, among many other benefits. Let your kids see you reading for a variety of purposes, sit down and read together or next to each other, any time of day, and especially before bed. Creating a reading habit will give them something they can always consistently turn to. 

10. Determine your stressors

Perhaps you have other things that are getting you off to a frazzled start in the morning. Figure out what that is and then make a plan to address it. If you’re spending too much time picking out clothes, plan your outfits ahead of time. If you’re constantly misplacing things, create dedicated spaces for them. If you’re having trouble waking up in the morning, gradually go to bed earlier. Whatever the issue is, address it head on so it stops being a regular obstacle. 

11. Embrace the free moments 

Last, but certainly not least, be sure to cherish the less busy times. Between homework and sports schedules, there isn’t a lot of down time. On those rare nights that you have off, soak up that unstructured family time together! 

Forming any habit takes time. Often it feels so much easier just to do things yourself, but I promise you, the work reaps the reward. In time, your crew will be a well-oiled machine. One that, of course, goes off the rail at times, but once the pattern is set it’s so easy to jump right back on track. Every day inevitably goes awry at some point, but there’s something to be said for starting your day off smoothly without adding unnecessary stress. 

What are some habits that help your days go more smoothly? 

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Family is everything, and I can think of no better town to live in with my high school sweetheart and our four young children. Although we've been here for a few years now, we often find that it still feels like vacation. Embracing the natural beauty and slower pace were easy. Learning to love Orange wasn't too hard. However, my mid-western roots shine through in my inability to accessorize my daughters with giant hair bows and my preference for unsweetened tea. Being a mother is more incredible than I ever dreamed, and even though our days are utter chaos riddled with exhaustion, I wouldn’t have it any other way. I blog about anything and everything related to motherhood at Stroller Savvy..


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