Stephanie Ransdell
Hi! I’m Stephanie, an elementary school teacher and mom to two, a girl, and a boy. My husband I have been married for 12 years now, together for 21. I am a Knoxville transplant, and am originally from South Florida. I am UCF alumni, a Miami Hurricanes fan, and a recently converted Vols supporter! I have loved calling Knoxville home and raising my family here. I love getting the chance to experience seasons and all things fall related, which you don’t get in the Sunshine State! We love to explore all that Knoxville has to offer and have made many memories. I am an avid reader, coffee drinker, black belt shopper, Disney enthusiast who loves a good laugh with good friends and family. I am so excited to share my experiences and thoughts on navigating life as a mom with you all through my passion of writing!I’m A Mom, But Sometimes I Miss The Nightlife
Once you become a mom, pieces of you slowly and unassumingly slip away. Unfortunately, this is inevitable because as a new mom, you have a brand new and very important role as somebody’s mother....
Be A Jamie
You may have recently seen the image circulating from the Golden Globes awards of Jamie Lee Curtis cheering for Michelle Yeoh when she won an award. Ok, not just cheering. That is too weak...
Dear Thanksgiving, You Are Not Forgotten
The holiday season is upon us. From October to December, various holidays take place starting with Halloween and ending with New Year’s Day. There is one holiday that falls during this time that seems...
Putting The Tween In The Between Ages
For many parents, the term “teenager” is one that sends instant waves of fear through our bodies. For me personally, before becoming a parent, and even in the early days when my children were...
Products To Help Save Your Sanity When Packing Lunches
Back to school season is upon us, and with it comes the task of packing lunches for your sweet school aged children. I don’t know about you, but if you’re anything like me, this...
My Mom Doesn’t Want Your Advice
Before my first child was born and all the cute little onesies and footie pajamas were being gifted to me, one of my most favorite onesies was one given to me by my sister....
Just When She Thought She Couldn’t, She Did
“I can’t do it without you.”
This was the sentence replaying in my mind since the day my mother was diagnosed with ovarian cancer. The sheer terror at the thought of living in a world...