Sarah Kirkland

Sarah Kirkland
Hello! I’m a girl-mom, working mom, always late for everything mom! I live in Maryville with my husband, daughter, two cats, and a dog. I am a Proposal Manager who enjoys blogging and marketing. I am excited to share all of my motherhood misadventures with you!
Putting The Giving Back In Christmas

Putting The Giving Back In Christmas

As we settle into the holiday rush and things start to pile up -- presents and parties and holiday cheer -- the season just starts to feel too much. My daughter gets SO MUCH during...

Don’t Let The Photos Fool You; Holiday Fatigue Is Real

I do this to myself every holiday, every year. I start out the gate STRONG! As soon as the seasonal items hit the shelves (which we all know is months before said holiday), I’m...

The Biter Or The Bitten: Which Is Worst?!

Daycare is a kid-bite-kid world; all daycare parents know it. Sometimes your kid is the biter; other times, the bitten. My first experience with this side of daycare was when my daughter came home...
Top 5 Things From My Baby Registry That My Toddler Still Uses

Top 5 Things From My Baby Registry That My Toddler Still Uses

When it comes to creating a baby registry, there are three different types of items parents generally add to their list: things they need for baby, things they hope to get for baby, and...
I’m a Mom. Now How Do I Get Mom Friends?!

I’m A Mom. Now How Do I Get Mom Friends?!

Before the birth of my daughter, I had visions of all the “mom clubs” I would join. There would be the park mom club where we gossip and sip juice boxes as our children...
The Challenge Of Raising Extra Social Children

The Challenge Of Raising Extra Social Children

Do you ever find yourself in a certain situation and wonder, “How on earth did I get here?” That’s exactly what I said to myself a couple of weeks ago as I was walking...
Giving My Daughter a Magical Childhood Vs. Spoiling Her

Giving My Daughter A Magical Childhood Vs. Spoiling Her

Growing up, my own childhood wasn’t the stuff of fairy tales. I had a lot of anxiety as a child, and often clashed with my mother and five siblings. We also didn’t have a...