Shayla Bullock

Shayla Bullock

The School Counselor: The One Person at Your Child’s School You Should Know

In just a few days our children will start a new school year. Some will be going to school for the first time, others...
3 Things Every Parent Should Know

Three Things Every Parent Should Know About Keeping Their Children Safe in the Summer

For most parents, their children’s safety is a top priority. Technology has provided many tools to assist us in keeping our children safe, yet...
Days are Long but the Years are Short

The Days are Long, but the Years are Short

Over the last few weeks my social media has been filled with beautiful prom pictures and accomplished graduates. Rightly so, proud and pleased mothers...
Family Game Nights

Family Game Nights: A Perfect Way to Spend Family Time

Most mothers can agree that family time is important and valuable. We have heard for years how valuable it is to eat dinner together...

The Mundane Tasks of Motherhood

There are times and moments -- as a wife and a mother -- that it seems my life is full of mundane tasks. Day...

Tips for Raising a Culturally Diverse Child

There is such a sweet, innate, innocence within our children. They happily embrace and play with each other regardless of race, religion, ethnicity, and...
10 Tips for a Successful Family Budget

10 Tips for a Successful and Manageable Family Budget

The holidays are literally right around the corner. These times are often filled with excitement, family, gifts, and joy. However, after the holidays, many...