Mary Beth Unthank

Knoxville born and bred, my love for this area is deep and true! I'm a working-turned-stay-at-home mom to 4 kiddos from elementary to high school. My husband and I live in Knoxville where we both lead nonprofit organizations and are trying to become Love in our community. I love watching my kids learn something new, cooking for other people (but not for myself), and telling myself I'm a #fitmom when I go to the gym like once a month. I'm a bottle-feeding, disposable diapering, public-schooling (other than the time I homeschooled for a minute) mom with the stereotypical chill attitude of moms with large(r) broods. I love meeting new people, but I talk way too much and laugh when I'm uncomfortable. If you don't mind long stories and bad jokes, we are sure to be friends! Follow my family adventures on my blog Unthank You Very MuchParenting Lessons From Therapy
Perhaps I’m showing my age here, but I remember a time when therapy was taboo. Maybe in some contexts this is still true, but by...
I Wouldn’t Be Me Without You
They say parenting changes you, and they’re right. For many people (but not all!) there is some instantaneous switch that flips when that wriggly little...
Back To School With Gratitude
It’s the first day of school, and today, I am thankful:
For the teachers who will be pouring into these kiddos every day; For the school...
Retro Family Movie Night
I admit it: we are a movie-loving family. Mad respect to all you moms who don't let your kids watch television or even own a TV,...
For The Love Of Bedtime
When I was growing up, we never had a set bedtime. My mom said when we were little, my brothers and I just went...
I’m Gonna Miss This
“You’re gonna miss this one day!”
We’ve all heard this at one point or another, probably at 5 million points and counting. It’s always a...
I Don’t Want Perfect Kids
As I was sitting down to write this, I heard a crash come from the garage. For a moment, I sighed heavily, squinted my...