Jenny Greene

Jenny Greene
I am a missionary-turned-mom from Kansas who loves to write, create, and enjoy life with my husband, Casey, my daughter Penelope, and our wild little boy, Eldon. After spending six years overseas, we returned to East Tennessee to find an overwhelming modern world- especially for moms! So in the search for a simpler life, I often look to previous generations for wisdom and guidance in everything from homemaking, to marriage, to child-rearing! Looking back helps me look forward and know that in this crazy mom-life, I'm never alone... and neither are you!
Confessions of an Extroverted Introvert at Christmastime

Confessions of an Extroverted Introvert {At Christmastime}

Calling all Extroverted Introverts (you know who you are)! The season is upon us where we must embrace the crazy of busy shopping malls,...
Facing the challenges of parenting an elementary aged child who is not a tween, but not a child anymore either.

The Space Between

I don't even know what to call this age. This strange time between child and tween. These mid-elementary years. I was prepared (ha) for having a...
A letter to my non-mom millenial friends

For My Non-Mom Millennial Friends

Thank you.  There used to be a time when I came home after being around you and whined that I couldn't relate because we just...
Top 5 Excuses for Not Working Out

My 5 Excuses for Not Working Out

I used to love working out. I loved the sweat and the muscle and the exhilarating endorphins (and being able to eat whatever I...
Why don't we care about colds anymore?

Why Don’t We Care About Colds Anymore?

How do I put this nicely? Um...parenting has changed. A lot. And I just don't know that we are better for it. I was...
6 Shortcuts for Handling the Busy Holidays

6 Shortcuts for Handling the Busy Holidays

Christmas is coming...and if you're like me, your calendar is already filling up with programs and parties and all things holiday. Perhaps it's loaded...
It's Halloween: Who Will You Be, Momma?

It’s Halloween: Who Will You Be, Momma?

Today is Halloween, and I've never loved it more. I'm not your crazy "gravestones in the front yard and zombies on the porch" kind of...