Jamie Mikol

Jamie Mikol
Jamie resides in Farragut, TN with her husband, 3 kids and 1 dog. When she is not doing SAHM things you can find her watching Netflix, enjoying time with friends, reading a good book, writing for various endeavors, and managing her small business at Milestone Montage. Her favorite smell is marshmallows from the outside of the bag and her least favorite feeling is walking barefoot on all the crumbs on her floor.

Tips For SAHMs With Traveling Spouses

I am a stay-at-home-mom (SAHM). It’s not necessarily what I pictured as a young girl…I honestly don’t even remember what I pictured, but this is where I have been for the past nine years...
The Presence Of (Grand)Parents

The Presence Of (Grand)Parents

Once upon a time, dating not too far back in history, babies were born, they grew up where they were born, they married where they were born, they had babies of their own where...
The Daycare Good-Bye

The Daycare Good-Bye

"The days are long, but the years are short." -- Gretchen Rubin “The days are long” part of that phrase hasn’t applied to me since baby #2 arrived. Days just went faster. Then when baby...

Book Review: How To Break Up With Your Phone {Part 2}

In Part 1 of How To Break Up With Your Phone, I alerted readers to the dangers of too much phone usage during our non-work hours. After reading the first half (The Wake-Up) and...

Angels On The Wings

As spring break quickly approaches, we are all prepping for our road trips, cruises, air travel, and staycations. While I like traveling to far-off places, flying isn’t my fondest form of travel. This year,...

Book Review: How To Break Up With Your Phone {Part 1}

“We must act, individually and collectively, to make our attention our own again, and so reclaim ownership of the very experience of living. -- Tim Wu, The Attention Merchants I began reading the extremely eye-opening book...

Clean Home. Clean Mind. Clean Slate.

Every January, as the last of the holiday decorations come down, homes everywhere feel empty. Not in the spiritual sense or emotionally, but quite literally our houses feel empty once we’ve removed an entire...