
Mama to Maddox, Walker and Finn plus three unruly dogs: Nick Carraway, Ladybird, and Charlotte. Owner of Nest, a custom painting and furniture restoration business run out of my SoKno home. I've written for Knox Moms since 2014, and have also written for The Dollywood Company, Her View From Home, and I'm a recovering type-a personality, overcaffinated, sleep with too many pillows, am a better person near water, and love a good British period drama or anything about gruesome true crime. I'm going to die trying to pet something I shouldn't or lifting furniture I have no business lifting, and am a firm believer in convenience meals. Probably a top contender for the title of World's Okayest Mom.
A Divorced Kid’s Guide to Surviving the Holidays

A Divorced Kid’s Guide to Surviving the Holidays

You know the song, "Over the River and Through the Woods to Grandmother's House We Go?" Isn't it sweet? The family, in the sleigh,...
My Fiancé Didn't Give Me Butterflies

My Fiancé Didn’t Give Me Butterflies

Yes. You read that right. The man I currently agreed to do all of eternity with didn't give me butterflies... Well, until he did. Dating...

Confessions of a (New) Stay at Home Mom

A few Fridays ago, I got fired from my job. I had been debating on leaving the company for a while due to some...

Un-Married…with Children: What I Learned Dating After My Divorce

A little over 4 years ago, I met someone. We dated, moved in together, planned a future, and then he liked it so much...

Mama’s Summer Bucket List: this Girl Just Wants to Have {Kid Free} Fun

Summer is the best season, amIright?! Hello, just ask Olaf. Speaking of Olaf…how many times did you watch him and his pals? How many...

Tee Ball Diaries: Surviving Summer Sports

As a single mom of two boys, I pride myself on being able to yell phrases like “Get on the bag!” or “Keep it...