
Mama to Maddox, Walker and Finn plus three unruly dogs: Nick Carraway, Ladybird, and Charlotte. Owner of Nest, a custom painting and furniture restoration business run out of my SoKno home. I've written for Knox Moms since 2014, and have also written for The Dollywood Company, Her View From Home, and I'm a recovering type-a personality, overcaffinated, sleep with too many pillows, am a better person near water, and love a good British period drama or anything about gruesome true crime. I'm going to die trying to pet something I shouldn't or lifting furniture I have no business lifting, and am a firm believer in convenience meals. Probably a top contender for the title of World's Okayest Mom.
My Kids Are Getting Nothing New For Christmas

My Kids Aren’t Getting Anything New This Christmas

So before you all gasp and reach for the smelling salts, let me explain... I have been in the process of turning our guest room/toy overflow room into the nursery for sweet Finn Baby for...

The Power of Words

"Sticks and stones can break my bones but words will never hurt me." "I'm rubber and you're glue... Whatever you say bounces off of me and sticks to you." Yeah... I would have to disagree. I don't...

I Don’t Like Your Kid’s Name

Maybe I should rephrase. I don't like any name right now. I am a little over 14 weeks pregnant with my little guy or gal and all I can think about are names. Good...
This Is Not a Drill

This Is Not A Drill

I had a post all typed out. It was witty and funny and full of snark, you know, all the areas I excel in. But I had "the dream" again. And I knew this...

Finding Our Home, Finding My Peace

I'll never forget the day Nathan came home and decided with no great flourish or drama that we were about to start house hunting. "This house is too small for us. I can't deal...

To Have, To Hold, To Argue About Insanity

Nathan and I will be married in a little over a month. (Like holy cow and stuff.) Marriage is hard and although we aren't officially married, we have lived together for a over a...
Gone Baby, Gone

Gone Baby, Gone: A Lesson In “Trying”

"If you put flannel sheets on the bed you have to sleep naked." "Fine. If I have to sleep naked, you have to agree to start trying for another baby." "Ashley, it's not the right time." "Nathan....