4 Simple Reasons We Chose the Simple Life


simplelifeGrowing up, you start to formulate these daydreams in your mind about what your future will look like. If those thoughts drift to marriage and children, you tend to imagine what life will look like through that lens. I always imagined three children, living in a big city, and becoming a newscaster. What does life look like for me now?kidstruck

I got the three kids part right. That’s about it.

What I did not bargain for was moving to a farm in the same hometown of LaFollette that both myself and my husband have lived in our entire lives, chasing goats and chickens and dealing with sketchy internet service. You are certainly not going to see me on the nightly news.

But I would not trade it for the world.

Why did we abandon living in the comfort and predictability of a residential area to 40 plus acres of land in the middle of nowhere? Sometimes I’m still not sure which north facing tree or cow pasture I am supposed to make a left turn by in order to make it home. But allow me to share with you four simple reasons we made the change for a life of less:

1). We Long to Roam


Remember when you were a kid and you would wake up, eat a bowl of cereal as quickly as possible, stack those neon socks as high as you could and bolt out the door to play, your side ponytail flowing in the breeze? Yeah, me too. I would come in for lunch then come back in as the sun set. We longed for our children to have those same freedoms we did during our childhood. Where we lived before, our yard was very small, we were right next to a busy road, and we had neighbors literally on all four sides of our home. Letting our children run and play without boundaries was impossible. Now, they have land: fields, a barn, a pond, and seemingly endless shares of wooded area to explore. Life for them, and for us, is now truly an adventure in our own backyard. Now I finally know what my mom meant when she would turn up her nose at us as kids and say, “Shew. You guys smell like the outdoors.”

2). Sustainable Living

We live in a culture of almost instant gratification. Internet, cell phones, stores on every corner all provide us with the opportunity to “have” what we think we “need” at a moment’s notice. We loved the idea of trying something new (for us)–living off the land. This is foreign to me, the girl who used to make emergency trips for ice cream at 11pm, but so far we have fresh eggs every morning, we have a freezer full of deer meat, and we are going to try our hand at gardening this summer. And let’s be honest–the pizza delivery guy won’t drive out this far. Moving on…


3). To Simplify

Stuff. It is everywhere, and we were feeling overwhelmed, to be honest. The home we live in currently is the same size as the home we moved from plus an extra bathroom. We were not looking to buy a huge, expensive home with empty rooms to fill with more and more earthly things. Instead, we bought a home that was in major need of repairs (I went a good while without a kitchen sink!), made it our “project” and got rid of a lot of items cluttering our home. Less to store, less to trip over. We dropped our cable and have an antenna that picks up about 20 Canadian cooking shows and the nightly news. Am I thankful for text messaging and Netflix? You betcha.

simple life

4). The Land Will Leave a Legacy

My husband and I are small town folk with big dreams. He is in law enforcement, I am stay at home mother and a writer. When our lives on earth are through, we will not have mass amounts of money to leave our children. But what we will have is land—land that they can divide between the three of them to do with as they please–to build their own homes and raise another generation of God fearing families who still find perfectly good reasons to make emergency ice cream runs at 11pm. Even in the country.


And when we get bored of the farm life? Market Square and the Sunsphere are just a short drive away.

Have you made a recent life change in your family? Have you ever googled things like “how to worm a goat” and “are black snakes poisonous”? Let me know in the comments below!


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Hey friends! I’m Christie and the proud mama of three amazing children, Eden, August, and Titus. We love to watch 80s commercials on YouTube before bed, grilling on the back deck, a good round of Clue, and loudly playing basketball and jumping on the trampoline, keeping our neighbors on their toes. We currently have zero pets because they all seem to run away, I cannot keep real plants alive, and the kids will be in high school, middle school, and elementary school in the fall, so all thoughts and prayers are welcomed and appreciated. Being a part of Knoxville Moms has been such a blast and I have met some incredible women that have since become some of my dearest friends. Take a look at their stories, you’ll love them just as much as I do!


  1. Oh my gosh, I’m jealous! I have always wanted land, animals, and space to roam! Hubby thinks I’m crazy, but I’ve told him that when we buy a house, I WILL have chickens! Is there anything better than fresh eggs? I grew up staying a lot with cousins who had all this, and those are some of my fondest memories! Riding horses, games of hide and seek that covered an entire acre, and the “come inside when the street lights come on” rule. I wish I could give that to my boys!

  2. Love your writing. Love your life on the farm. My mom is from Kingsport and inherited the 60 acres of farm land that she was raised on. My husband and I often talk about what it would be like if we moved to the farm.

    • Thanks Lauren! SO excited to be a part of this team. We have really enjoyed living out in the boonies so far, despite the iffy internet service. Doesn’t bode well for this blogger, but I’ve learned to write fast! 😉

  3. I love this post! Just came across your blog today and am so encouraged. My husband and I have 3 young children and when he gets out of the service in 3 years we plan to go into full-time pasture-based livestock farming as well as organic produce. We are looking into TN and KY as potential locations. This spring, we will be getting 6-12 laying hens in our backyard mobile chicken coop….I cannot wait!

    • Eek! All of that sounds SO exciting! My hubs finally finished his work training so I *think* we are going to try our hand at larger livestock. I’ve been on him about pigs 😉 Chickens are super fun though! I love going out and collecting eggs!

  4. I love this post! My husband and I are in the process of building out in the country and I can’t wait to have chickens and a garden!

  5. So good. Love your heart as a family and the legacy you are building! Great things will come of it. You are one brave, strong farm girl and I love it! I want to come work on the farm:)

  6. I’m a country girl at heart and living in the big city. My family and I go back to the “farm” every Sunday to visit my grandma I’ve been dong this since I was a baby and now am carrying the tradition on with my kids.
    We have talked a lot about moving back to the country but my husband’s job keeps us in the city. Your comment about living in the city with homes surrounding you and not being able to run free….that is so how I feel. There are days, especially in the summer, when I just have to go back to the farm and get my hands dirty in the garden. There are days that I long for that country life! Maybe one day…. 🙂

    • I LOVE your Sunday tradition. We used to visit my great-grandmother every Sunday growing up, but she lived in a 900 sq foot home right next to the road. So we played stickball and flattened pennies on the railroad tracks in the backyard instead 😉 You are making amazing memories for your family! Keep it up!

  7. Wonderful story and very similar to ours, down to the three kids, and chickens! We recently bought an old farmstead right up the road from the one we worked for for 5 years to start our own… The place had been owned and lived in by only two families (3 now with ours) since it was built in the 1850’s. There is nothing more valuable than offering our children the opportunity for adventure every day in their back yard! And the possibility of at least one of them carrying on the family farm when we’re too old to manage it; a retirement plan for us, an investment in the future for them…We are working with some friends to create a much needed alternative school on the property as well… I like the privacy, but love to share the bliss of our bit of paradise with friends and family! Great job, and good luck….


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