Last spring, my husband Chris came to me with a wild idea. At that point, he’d been coaching the local middle school baseball team for a couple seasons and was really enjoying it. After meeting many of the parents and proving himself to be one heck of a guy (I’m not biased or anything – ha ha ha!!), he was approached to become the head coach of a local Travel baseball team. I’m sure you’ve heard about these teams traveling the country, playing games at midnight, in the rain, and on and on and on.
I’ll be honest. My first reaction was to cry, then say no, and then I really thought about it.
It’s a huge time commitment. And with little kids at home, it seems like there’s never enough time as it is.
Fast Forward…
We’re getting ready to finish up the third season with the team and as much of a difference as I believe Chris is making in the lives of these boys, this whole experience is making a difference in ours, too. I can truthfully say it’s been one of the best things to happen to our little family.
When Daddy’s the coach:
Our kids see, first-hand, how to win and lose. While “Daddy’s Team” is incredibly good, they don’t win every single game {thankfully they win far more than they lose!!}. And we are given great opportunities to have lots of conversations about how the boys keep trying hard and don’t give up, even if it’s hard or they’re tired or they’re hungry or whatever.
We get great family time together on the road. Collier and Emerson get SO excited when we start driving down Interstate 75 towards “Egglanta.” They LOVE swimming at the “Showtel” pool and going to fun restaurants with all the “big boys” and their families {you couldn’t pay me to correct them on these two – Atlanta and Hotel are not NEAR as much fun as their alternatives!}. We all get to cram into one hotel room with Legos and Barbie shoes strewn from wall to wall.
We know some AMAZING “big boys.” From a rousing rendition of “Happy Birthday” in the dugout on Collier’s 5th birthday to bat boy assignments and hair tousles, these big boys have made our kids feel like total rock stars. They are respectful, funny and sweet. As a mom, you want nothing more than to find great kids to have as role models for your kids.

And, we know some pretty awesome “little boys (and girls).” In addition to the dozen or so team members, there is quite the cast of younger siblings that are equally as respectful, funny and sweet. Emerson follows around this ever-present gaggle of little ladies like they know the secret of life.

As with anything in life, there are good parts and bad parts. Yes, there are late-night championship games and quiet rides home when the tournament doesn’t go as planned. There are rain delays and injuries.
{BUT, there are also funnel cake fries – my absolute favorite part about one of the ballparks we frequent in Egglanta…I mean, Atlanta.}