Surviving A Zombie Apocalypse With Your Child



As parents, we strive to be prepared for all kinds of situations with our kids. We try to stay one step ahead of any disaster possible. What IF there were a zombie apocalypse? Would your family be prepared? This post will explore a few keys strategies to start your plan on the right foot to escape a Zombie.

Most TV productions do not have children or even babies that survive the zombie apocalypse…most of them become zombies themselves. In most TV shows, families with children are considered to be the weak link when it comes to surviving a zombie attack. Many are sacrificed or left behind. We all know that TV is not reality when it comes to the super natural. I think it is possible for a few children to survive. Our children are our hope for a better future and probably our biggest hope for our species to survive during a zombie apocalypse.

When I originally started thinking about this, I thought I am going to head for the mountains or an abandoned prison. After doing a little research and thinking this through, perhaps I need to think about the big picture.

The key elements to surviving a zombie attack at all…let alone with a child, require: food, weapons, mobility, and shelter.

Following is a brief list to get you thinking and formulating a plan to survive a zombie attack that works for your family:


Start stockpiling water. We all need water to survive. Milk may be a necessity for your infant and you may want to consider protein powders. Both powdered infant formulas, milk, and protein powders are also a good consideration. Again, protein is not to be under-estimated to stay healthy. Other sources of protein that may be more cumbersome to travel with include canned meats and dehydrated meat…choose wisely because most beef jerky has a lot of salt…you don’t want to get dehydrated. Nuts and seeds are also a good source of protein. Pillaging baby food pouches and jarred food is a necessity for the kiddos. Dried fruit adds variety for the whole family and can help spice things up when moral is down. Also, stock plenty of meds and bandages…zombies can detect sickness. As far as diapers…disposable is key and change them often. Used disposables could serve as a quick zombie distraction.


Choose wisely because the kids are around. Guns should be avoided with infants because they make a lot of noise, which could incite screaming and crying, which could attract even more zombies. Also, firearms of any kind…including nail guns, could cause accidental harm to children if not properly secured. If the kid is 5 or older, they need self-defense training.


Selecting transportation is tricky and depends largely on your family structure, size, and threat level. I have a toddler, so in an emergency I am probably going to have to carry him under my arm football style. If walking, then I would probably carry him back pack style; the downside to this is he would have his limbs exposed and my vision could be constricted. For infants, I recommend a papoose or sling style carrier. Strollers are clunky and noisy so I would avoid those. If I get the chance to snag a Prius or hybrid SUV, then it’s on.


I am so conflicted about this one. I do think going towards the mountains is where I would strive to go because the isolation would decrease the threats associated with a more populated area. Being isolated also means fewer resources for the kid. Also, the outdoor elements are not ideal for little ones. Most recommendations suggest getting to a high point because zombies do not climb. Also a space where there is the ability to sound proof. Loud babies will definitely attract zombies. Aside from pacifiers, bottles, and suckers, cribs and pack and plays can be layered with blankets to create a tent like structure to decrease noise; be mindful not to put these items in the sleeping area as they can cause suffocation. If you decide to set up a homestead, be sure to booby trap all potential entrances and have a few alternate escape routes. Lastly, if you choose to group with other survivors, do not trust them with your children…many see them as zombie snacks and may abandon them in an attack.

If you have tips on how to survive a zombie apocalypse with children, please let us know in the comments below.


  1. Hello I’m alexia I have a husband and a 6 year old boy and a 8 year old one and 11 my kids know about weapons just in case stuff happen the 11 year old knows more and my 8 is a girl but restels think I will live

  2. I think about this sometimes, especially when I’m watching Zombie movies (like I am right now lol) I have a 3 yr old son, So my first instinct is to make sure he’s ok & protect him ALWAYS! I would stock up on food & water. Make sure I have plenty of weapons such as Knives, Silent guns, Swords Etc. I would have walkie talkies to communicate with spouse if we somehow get separated. I would also have a portable radio (light & small to carry & with a mic so I can communicate with other survivors) I would also go to high ground, an isolated area. Possibly alaska TBH. & When it comes to Vehicles. It just depends on what type of zombies there will be, if they are slow zombies then yes, I’d definitely take a car, but If there Fast zombies then yes I would pro take a car but cars can be noisy. So idk. I’ve always thought about having an isolated underground safe house somewhere with Everything we’d need to survive & last us as much time we need until rescued.


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