I’m Not Sad My Baby Is Starting Kindergarten


I'm Not Sad My Baby Is Starting Kindergarten

As I sit here, contemplating the new chapter in my life that starts this week, I am filled with an unexpected array of emotions. My baby starts kindergarten this week and while some might expect me to be nostalgic or weepy, I am overflowing with excitement, hope, and an unwavering eagerness for the future.

This is not a moment of separation; it is a moment of celebration — a celebration of the life I’ve nurtured and the incredible person my child is becoming.

The years leading up to this moment have been filled with unforgettable memories, tender moments, and countless lessons learned (mostly on my part). I have watched my baby grow, evolve, and blossom into an independent and curious little boy. As the first day of school approaches, I am proud to say that I have done my best to instill in my child a sense of wonder, kindness, and resilience. Have I always done it right? No. But I’ve tried and that counts for something. I have witnessed his spirit, determination, and creative imagination, and now I’m eagerly waiting to see more qualities come to the forefront as he continues to grow.  

The excitement I feel is not necessarily about academics, but really about the social and emotional growth I know my child will experience. I know that kindergarten will be a place where new friendships will blossom, and where he will learn the importance of sharing, empathy, and cooperation. It will be a space where his mind will be opened to a world of knowledge, diversity, and fresh perspectives. He is about to embark on a journey that I wouldn’t be able to provide for him on my own and for the teachers that will cross his path over the years, I am forever grateful. 

Sending him through the front doors of an elementary school opens an entirely new world and I can’t wait to watch him grow. 

Yes, there will be moments when I miss the days of holding his tiny hand as we explored the world together, and I’m sure I will speak to his empty car seat as I drive down through town, but I am genuinely excited about the new adventures that await us both. I look forward to the stories he will eagerly share about his school day, the artwork he will proudly present, and the new-to-him-knowledge he will soak up like a sponge. 

As a parent, my heart swells with pride as I realize that my baby is ready for this next step! I am filled with hope as I trust in his ability to learn and thrive, knowing that he has a solid foundation of love and support at home to help him every step of the way. 

So, as my baby starts kindergarten, I feel nothing but gratitude and an overwhelming sense of excitement. Will there be tears? I’m sure, but they won’t be the sad kind. They will be excited, humbled, and maybe a bit worried, but grateful tears. I am ready to embrace this new chapter, with all its upcoming challenges and triumphs, because I know that my child is slowly becoming a person ready to take on the world. 

I can’t wait to see the person you become, kiddo. I’ll always be here cheering you on. 


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