After Christmas, I tend to get the “blah” feeling. It’s always a little sad to see the pretty décor go away and trudge through the long, grey days of winter ahead. Recently, I discovered a happiness practice by the Danish called “Hygge” (pronounced “hoo-gah”).
Hygge is a centuries-old lifestyle that will brighten the long days ahead. It embraces positive thinking and the enjoyment of everyday experiences. Its focus is on togetherness and prioritizing the people you are close to. Hygge is the removal of annoyances and the emotionally overwhelming.
With the long winter days ahead and the busyness of life, the practice of Hygge seems like a welcome antidote. Here are a few ways to incorporate Hygge into your life:
1. Set aside time to be creative: Draw, write, cook, journal, sew. The end result doesn’t matter!
2. Sit around the table and enjoy dinner with friends and family: It doesn’t have to be fancy, it can be take out. The simple act of enjoying each other is what matters. No phones should be around either.
3. Light candles. The more the better. Splurge on a favorite scent. Candles can make everything special. I light one on my counter in my kitchen. It makes clean up a whole lot fancier.
4. Celebrate the every day. Make a point of making everyone feel loved and special. The simple act of a hug and a reassuring word can change the day for someone.
5. Create a special retreat. A place to sit and read, a desk to write at, a place to meditate or pray. A little “me time” can be hard to carve out, but can make the day so much better!
As a working Mama with a busy schedule, here are some ways I would love to incorporate the Hygge lifestyle. What are some ways you can create Hygge in yours?