My Husband is My Best Friend


My Husband is My Best FriendMy husband is my best friend. I said it. I’ve seen blogs that suggest he shouldn’t be. I get why he shouldn’t be.

But here’s why he is. And why yours should be, too.

1. You live with them.

They see you at your ultimate worst. Bed head, morning breath. The morning after being up all night with a newborn. When you have the flu…or food poisoning…need I say more? Why would I want to live with someone I only tolerate? Growing up, I bet you would have loved to have your best friend live with you.

2. He’s my person.

My husband is the first person I want to tell great news, bad news and all the news in between. I am not sure that he enjoys ALL THE NEWS, but he gets it. Sure, I have another “person” that I also call with all the news, but I live six-plus hours from her. And only telling one person all the news? No way.

3. He has seen me birth TWO babies out of my lady area.

Okay, so in the moment of child birth you’d let literally anyone look down there. But you normally don’t have to look that person in the eye three months later, or kiss that person, or do you know what with that person. I’m pretty sure ONLY best friend status gets a front row to that situation.

4. We have two little people together.

I think it is so important for my girls to see us being friends. We aren’t always making out in the kitchen when he gets off of work {do we ever make out? hmmm…}. They see us day in and day out laughing, dancing, and genuinely enjoying each other. It is important to me that my girls understand what a healthy relationship looks like and I hope that they see that when they look at us.

5. We share money.

As a stay at home mom who works a couple part time jobs, my husband is the primary income earner. I appreciate that he works long, hard hours to support our girls and me. He provides shelter and food. He also provides the ability to take vacations and update our wardrobes. I know that him being my best friend enables us to share money without hesitation or question.

6. He supports me.

When I decided to start my photography business, he was so supportive. For Christmas one year, he upgraded my camera because he supported my business growing. He wants to me to succeed, as I want him to succeed. When I over-schedule life, he supports me when we have to cancel things. If he has a change of heart with a job, I’m all in for whatever will make him happiest. Success is only so great if you don’t have someone with whom to celebrate.

7. We are both fickle.

We have moved three times in eight years. We would have moved four times had everything fallen into place. We would be planning another move if another grand idea had worked out. Luckily, we are both fickle and always looking for the next adventure. We are ready to tackle new adventures TOGETHER, but our allegiance to each other doesn’t wane.

8. We have the most fun together.

I have taken trips with friends without my husband. Each trip is always a blast, but oftentimes I think about how he would love this part of the trip, or how that situation would have made him laugh. If I have to take a trip, he’s the one I want to go with. With two young kids, we don’t have wild NYEs or big Super Bowl Parties. Once the kids go to bed, he’s the person with whom I enjoy a beer and snack. He’s my favorite person to hangout with.

I’m not going to say the typical, “We’ve had our ups and downs…” line. Sure, some life stages are perfect and wonderful and some life stages are trying and difficult. He isn’t difficult. Instead he pushes me to persevere through the difficult stages. We have each other’s back, just like best friends do.

He makes me a better person. He makes me laugh. He also makes me roll my eyes. But then he calls me out about rolling my eyes and then I laugh. He is ridiculous. Most importantly, he isn’t perfect. He has his quirks, and lots of them. But, as we have both agreed, luckily we married each other because we aren’t sure there is another person out there that could live with us.

I have girlfriends. We get dinner. We go to concerts. We text non-stop. We have a great time. They are my great friends. I love and cherish every single girl and guy friend I have,


He is the person I want rocking right beside me as we age. He is the person I want to experience my life with. He is the person that I want by my side when life gets tough.

My husband is my best friend.


  1. This is a beautiful scripted picture of you and your husband’s relationship as best friend, husband and wife, mommy, and daddy! It was such a delight to read and experience the emotions you brought to this written blog. Thankful there are relationships still alive and well today! Love you all!


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