Getting Rid Of The Post-Holiday Blues


It seems that in the time leading up to the holiday season, there is so much going on. So much planning, so much shopping, so much wrapping and so many school events. It always seems like there is no time to stop and think, let alone have any time to relax.

After the holidays however, there always seems to be such a let down.

Everything goes from 100 mph to a dead stop. Then come the post-holiday blues. I know so many people who become sad after the holidays. There seems to be the feeling of “now what?”

Well, my fellow Knoxville Moms contributors and I have ways to combat the post-holiday blues. Here are a few ideas:

Get organized

I take every opportunity I can to organize and reorganize things. This can be organizing physical space as well as mental space. This year, I bought pantry sliding shelves to help organize my pantry and utility room. My husband loves being recruited into these projects…or maybe not.

Other Knoxville Moms have offered the following suggestions:

  • Calming the house from all the Christmas chaos seems to help (for example, put the decorations away).
  • Pack up Christmas and decide what I am keeping and giving away. I feel like that makes me organized.
  • Deep cleaning and throwing out stuff we don’t use.
  • Declutter and start planning trips!

The last point brings me to my next idea…

Start planning

If you are a family that goes on vacations, start planning them. It will give you something to look forward to even if it seems to be a long way away. People can judge me all they want, but I start planning my son’s birthday a few months in advance. It’s fun for me to do and it makes for a limited stress day when it finally comes.

Other Knoxville Moms said:

  • Start planning our trips! Not necessarily pay for them this instant, but start planning them.
  • I get out my planner (old school, but I love to see it all in front of me) and put all the dates in it for the year.
  • I usually start booking vacations looking forward to warmer weather.
  • I love setting up my new year planner and trying new recipes to add to my rotation!

Get outside

I know I have written about the value of getting outdoors. It truly has some kind of healing power. Other Knoxville Moms seem to agree.

Here is what they said:

  • I make sure I walk every day no matter how cold it is. It makes a huge difference in my outlook on life!
  • Bundling up and getting outside! (I’m no outdoors woman, but I walk our dog.) A little fresh air on a walk makes me feel better no matter the time of year.

Do a little self-care

Self-care is very important. As moms we are often the last on every list. When the January funk happens, be extra kind to yourself. 

Here are some ways Knoxville Moms do that:

  •  I like to schedule a massage at the massage school.
  •  I refresh my routine (skincare, makeup, etc.). That helps me feel ready to go back to the humdrum routine.

During this time of year, it is truly so easy to torture ourselves by setting unreachable goals. Remember however that you are not the only one going through this funk this time of year. One thing I learned from asking all the wonderful ladies of Knoxville Moms how they work through the post-holiday blues is that this is a lot more common than I thought.

Be kind to yourself and to others!


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