Gearing Up for Holiday Expenses


Christmas-treeDid you know the average American adult spent $854 on Christmas gifts alone last year? Seriously, check it out here.  So for a two-adult household, that makes over $1700 just for gifts! What about decorations, food, travel, and all the events of the season? And that’s not even counting Thanksgiving! I don’t know about you, but that’s a scary number to my budget!

When I counsel clients, I am a HUGE fan of saving up for holiday spending. It’s one of the few times you know with 100% certainty of an upcoming expense, and you have the entire year ahead to start saving. But I also realize that life doesn’t always work with you. 2013 hasn’t been easy on us. So this year, we have decided to challenge ourselves to spend as little as possible, but still attempting to make it special for our family. Here’s the plan:

We did a felt tree last year for the Monkeys (picture above), and they loved it! Because we didn’t have anywhere in our tiny apartment to put a Christmas tree (and I refused to NOT have a Christmas tree!), the felt tree ended up being an awesome idea! They loved helping put it up, and would often move the little pom poms (ornaments) around in groups by color, or make letters with them.


We also decorated our fridge (Thank you, Pinterest!):

And we made our own snowflakes on the windows out of construction paper.

It really is amazing to me how little it takes to really get kids excited and involved.

Gifts this year will be meaningful, and maybe not even cost us anything. We all know “It’s the thought that counts.” But then we run out to get the newest tech gadget or fad toy. I’m already working on a list of hand-made or sentimental gifts to be made for the grandparents and aunts/uncle. Thankfully, my boys love crafts, so we will probably be making a ton of them. I also have a massive fabric stash (much to Popeye’s chagrin), so I hope to not even need anything beyond a button or zipper here and there. Here’s an idea of one for the in-laws:

mug rug

(Patchwork Mug Rug tutorial)

gift wrap

I also love baking, but since we’re trying to make some dietary changes around here, I haven’t had the chance to do so lately. So I’ve started also making a list of baked goods I want to make for neighbors, teachers, pastors, and friends as well.

I even have ideas for gift wrap!

All of this to say that even in our extremely consumer-based society, we are jumping on the bandwagon that seems to be gaining momentum, and while the kids are young, starting the “tradition” of a more “traditional” holiday season. I’m sure at the very least, we will make lots of great memories in the process!


  1. Janie I love the idea of giving homemade gifts…I usually find myself at a loss on what to get grandparents and aunts and uncles. This is probably better than buying a gift they don’t need or won’t use!

  2. Handmade gifts are a wonderful idea. One year I bought solid color t-shirts on sale and silk screened a design on them for gifts. The Dollar Tree is a great place to get items for projects…glass vases, tote bags, baskets, and lots more!


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