I’m not claiming to know the secret recipe to raising healthy, happy children. But, I’ll share with you some truths I’ve come across since starting this bizarre journey three years ago.
- Just because it worked yesterday, doesn’t mean it will work again today. Depending on the age of your child(ren), this may be your current anthem. I know it is mine. We are deep in the throes of toddler anguish at our house and while yesterday distraction worked, today it may take a special blend of bribery, cuddles and maybe even a quick raise of your voice. Some days I feel like I’m ruining my kids for life, while other days I just know they think I’m the most fun mom in all the land {snicker, snicker}. I have to remind myself of that old adage – “this too shall pass.” And pass it does, whether the minutes fly by or seem to drag on like hours.
- You can’t do it alone. It might be a husband, partner, family member or baby sitter. Doesn’t matter who. You. Will. Need. Help. Sometimes, you’ll have it all together. But when you don’t, you don’t. As a full-time working mom of two, I quickly learned that if you try to keep all the balls in the air on your own, you drop…well…all the balls. I’m so incredibly lucky to have a husband who is, indeed, a partner. We are a great yin and yang. I cook dinner, he occupies the kids (unless the “helpers” want to participate, which means more clean-up fun!), he cleans up dinner, I occupy the kids. We do the bedtime routine as a family and we both get to kick back on the couch in the evening and check off another {usually} successful day.
- You will do the things you swore you’d never do. Wow, if I could only be as good a parent as I was before I became one, right?! In my fictional family, the TV is ALWAYS off during meals, the clothes are immediately folded and put away and both our cars fit in the garage. My real family? Well, let’s just say I’ve hummed along to the “hot dog song” – don’t lie, you know the one – while munching my green beans, I’ve gotten dressed out of the dryer for a couple days in a row and half our garage is littered with wagons, tricycles and pool toys. I start every morning with the best of intentions, and thank goodness we get a do-over the next day. And you know what? It’s ok if you have some “non-banner” days. If you have lots of them, even.
- The rewards FAR outweigh the cost. Literally and figuratively. Between bottles and diapers, checkups and childcare, children are expensive. Especially when you have more than one. The sleepless nights and temper tantrums {and kid-related bills!!!} are so quickly forgotten every time your sweet babe climbs up into your lap. Every time your son wants to “squish like spoons” before he closes his eyes. Every time your precious little girl reaches her arms up to you with a barely intelligible “hode you.” There’s nothing better. Nothing.
Ok, now you know what I’ve learned since becoming a mom. What have YOU learned?
Love this post Julie! All so true!
This made me smile and realize we (all us full time working mama’s) aren’t alone. Loved this post!