Body After Baby

Once upon a time, I was a size zero, skinny as a rail, and could pretty much eat whatever I wanted without making a...

A Twinkle in Their Eyes

I was set to write a completely different post for today, when I looked over to my beautiful 9 month old as she smiled...

My Journey with Cloth {Cloth Diapering Series}

I don't really know what started my interest in cloth diapers, but if you had met me before I was a mother you probably...

Doing What’s Best for Baby and Mom {Feeding Your Baby Series}

Breastfeeding versus formula feeding seems to be such a touchy subject these days. There are some pretty hard core people on either side who...

Organizing My Life

It’s a New Year, and I’m itching to get my life in order!  With the chaos of the holidays and the end of a...

Will We Ever Survive?

I have to admit that as much as I love my kids, how easily I would die for them, how I would completely fall...

Happy New Year from KMB!

From all us over at Knoxville Moms Blog, we wish you a HAPPY NEW YEAR! We hope this is the best year yet for you....

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In + Around Knoxville

Knoxville Date Night Ideas

Knoxville Date Night Ideas

Innovate your date night with one of these suggestions! Some of these ideas are better suited for specific seasons and times, so make sure...