Don’t Forget About Dad!

In case you didn't know it, Father's Day is THIS SUNDAY!! If you happened to let it slip your mind this year, like last...

Summer Car Safety!

Summer is officially here, and with it has come the heat and humidity so familiar to East Tennesseans.  Great for splash pads, swimming pools,...

Does Facebook Affect Your Parenting?

Over the weekend, I left almost all of my facebook groups and I deleted the facebook app from my phone. Not for any noble,...

Smell That? It’s Summer!

  Sunscreen...chlorine...bugspray...ah the smells of summer.  Add to that list my absolute FAVORITE summertime smell...THE GRILL! As the mama, I do the majority of the cooking....

Dairy-Free Strawberry Pound Cake

Here's a scrumptious recipe that is perfect for strawberry season! It's a dairy-free pound cake baked with fresh strawberries in the batter. I made this...

12 Snacks Under 100 Calories

Summer time means snack time to me.  We're on the go, playing outside a lot, and just generally too hot to sit down and...

VBS Season is Coming!

With the school year officially over, our family is looking forward to our second year of VBS participation! Last year, Monkey #1 was finally old...

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