Finding Planner Peace {Part Two}

Finding Planner Peace {Part Two}

Can you believe school is back in session? It’s hard for me to wrap my mind around that in this hazy August heat that...
Target Baby Section: Enter at Your Own Risk

Target Baby Section: Enter at Your Own Risk

A few weeks ago, I had some time to kill. One teen son was at home, and the other was at an event to...

5 Simple Tips for a Stress Free School Morning

Here's a little inside information on me: I am not a morning person. Not an ounce of my body likes being awake before 9am....
A Love Letter to the Car Pick-Up Line

A Love Letter to the Car Pick-Up Line

This may not be the most popular opinion, but through a flurry of perfect alignment, I've fallen in love with the school car pick-up...

What You SHOULD Say to Twin Moms

Going out in public with my twin girls is always an adventure. Part of that adventure often involves responding to comments and questions about...

The Reason I Am Always Late

I’m always late. I think it is hereditary as my mother is always late and we both firmly believe we can get anywhere in...

Easy DIY Cupcakes for VOLS Fans

It's almost that time of year again. The countdown has begun, an orange haze is descending upon the city. Practice is underway, the hype...

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In + Around Knoxville

Knoxville’s Pick-Your-Own Farms

Knoxville’s Pick-Your-Own Farms

Time for sunshine and berries! There is nothing like the smell and taste of freshly picked produce. The process is fun, easy, a little dirty,...