The Ultimate Freezer Meal List

The Ultimate Freezer Meal List

  Whether you are an expecting mom, make meals for loved ones, or just don't know what to make for dinner, it's always good to...

Hey Mama, How You Doin’?

I imagine myself asking you that question like Joey from F.R.I.E.N.D.S because it might make you laugh and give us a chance to talk...
Concord Christian School

Concord Christian School: Celebrating 25 Years of Excellence

I believe we can all agree that 2020 was a tough year for education. A global pandemic, nationwide school closures, quarantine, and virtual learning...

Let Them Grieve

I recently assigned my upperclassmen a COVID-19 mental health check. As a health science teacher, I take responsibility for checking on my students emotionally....

3 Habits I Want to Force Myself to Do

I've always made new year's resolutions but never kept them. Oftentimes, I don't remember what they are by the time the year ends. This...
Small Steps to Healthier Eating

Small Steps: Food Resolutions You Can Actually Keep

Well...we're two weeks in. How are your resolutions coming along? This is usually the point where I start falling off the wagon. Schedules get...
Making The Most Out of Your Local Thrift Store

Making The Most Out of Your Local Thrift Store

It’s 2021. We mostly sort of survived 2020, I guess. Pandemic. Election. Murder hornets. Fires. UFOs. I’m waiting on swamp people and lava monsters...

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In + Around Knoxville

60+ Knoxville Summer Activities

60 Knoxville Summer Activity Ideas

The countdown is officially on! Splash pads are starting to open, the sun has finally given us temperatures in the 80s, and it's time...