Rachel Lowe

Rachel is wife to Daniel and mom to two boys. You can find her with a cup of coffee in hand and a book waiting for her to read. Her "to be read" pile is enormous, and she loves to find great deals at McKay's Used Books. She enjoys window shopping, going to open houses, and spending time on free or cheap adventures with her family. She's always on the lookout for the next free donut day or opportunity to get another book in whatever series she's currently reading!Moving Back Home: A Marriage of Two Households
When you hear that someone has moved back home, what do you picture? Do you think of the college grad who moved home while...
Going Analog in a Digital World
Do you ever feel overwhelmed by all the notifications and icons on your phone? Are you the kind of person who lets your emails...
How to Balance Confidence and Caution in Parenting
I pulled into the bank parking lot the other day and moved to park in my usual spot on the side of the building....
I Threw Out My Makeup and I Feel Great!
I am not a girly-girl. I never have been, never will be. Ruffles, frills, and all things pink do not make my eyes light...
“It Gets Easier” and Other Platitudes I Hate
“It gets easier,” I hear as my baby cries in my arms while the toddler tries to escape my reach in the store. “They...
All Tied Up: What’s Up With Lip and Tongue Ties?
It’s a pain that’s hard to describe unless you’ve felt it for yourself. You have a squirmy newborn in your arms whose mouth is...
Passing the (Holiday) Torch: Stepping Up to Host Family Gatherings
As we gather around the holiday table this year, we’ll share lots of traditions around food, decorations, games, conversations, and so many other things....