Rachel Lowe

Rachel is wife to Daniel and mom to two boys. You can find her with a cup of coffee in hand and a book waiting for her to read. Her "to be read" pile is enormous, and she loves to find great deals at McKay's Used Books. She enjoys window shopping, going to open houses, and spending time on free or cheap adventures with her family. She's always on the lookout for the next free donut day or opportunity to get another book in whatever series she's currently reading!Tips for Planning an Extended Family Vacation
It’s February, and if you’re like me, that means it’s time and past time to get on the vacation plans for the year! Every...
The 52 Weeks of Pinterest Challenge
It’s January, the time of New Year’s Resolutions, goals, and starting over. Have you been trying to decide on a good resolution? I’ve got...
I Miss the Old Black Fridays
The scent of turkey filled the house while my stuffed belly moaned from pure pleasure and I sank into the couch with a pile...
Do You Have a Novel in You?
Have you ever thought about writing a novel? I know a lot of people have this vague idea that maybe someday they’d like to...
Dear Parents of Only Children (from an Only Child)
So you’re one-and-done, you’ve had an only child and decided that one is good enough for you. That is awesome, and I know there...
Finding Planner Peace {Part Two}
Can you believe school is back in session? It’s hard for me to wrap my mind around that in this hazy August heat that...
Finding Planner Peace {Part 1}
We are officially halfway through summer, y’all, and much as none of us wants to think about it, school is right around the corner....