Rachel Lowe

Rachel Lowe
Rachel is wife to Daniel and mom to two boys. You can find her with a cup of coffee in hand and a book waiting for her to read. Her "to be read" pile is enormous, and she loves to find great deals at McKay's Used Books. She enjoys window shopping, going to open houses, and spending time on free or cheap adventures with her family. She's always on the lookout for the next free donut day or opportunity to get another book in whatever series she's currently reading!
It’s Vacation Season, Have You Thanked A Mom Yet?

It’s Vacation Season, Have You Thanked A Mom Yet?

Perhaps a bit tongue-in-cheek, but in all honesty, if you’re going on vacation with your family, there’s probably a mother around to thank for...
One School, Two Schools, Old School, New School

One School, Two Schools, Old School, New School

Today my son says goodbye to the elementary school he’s been in for two years. Today is his last day there, and next year...

You Should Check Out The FitOn App for At-Home Workouts

April’s almost over, and we’re rolling full steam ahead into summer. The weather’s getting nicer, and I can actually see the sun more often...
Understanding And Navigating Early Intervention And Child Find Services

Understanding And Navigating Early Intervention And Child Find Services

“I’d like to refer him to Child Find and see if they can help.” These words started what has become a real journey for...
Book Review: How To Keep House While Drowning

Book Review: How To Keep House While Drowning

When I took a look at my Goodreads book challenge last year, I noticed that I barely read any nonfiction books. That’s not a...
I've Got Nothing In The Tank

I’ve Got Nothing In The Tank

Welcome January, welcome drizzly wet weather, welcome back to school. I’m sitting here on my couch, thinking about what I want to share today,...
Hey Mom, It's Okay To Take A Break

Hey Mom, It’s Okay To Take A Break

Christmastime is here. It’s the season of perpetual hope, of good cheer, of joy and gifts and love. It’s the season when we celebrate...