
Hey y’all! I’m Lauren and it’s so nice to meet you! I’m married to my college sweetheart and am a mama to four precious children. Three of my children are here with me and one is in Heaven. Our second child passed away shortly after birth. My husband, Tommy, and I have adopted two girls out of foster care, and we are constantly learning how to be the best parents to all of our kids with their special needs. About a year after our son passed away, I launched Project Gabriel in honor of our son to reach women who had also lost a baby. In my free time, I love cheering on the Tennessee Vols, expressing my love of Tennessee falls, being outside, blogging, and wearing boots. I blog at Adventures of Jack and Me. Also check out my organization Project Gabriel.

Healthy Crockpot Meals

I love my crock pot!  It helps me make good food with little effort and even less time.  My mother-in-law once told me it...

Organizing My Life

It’s a New Year, and I’m itching to get my life in order!  With the chaos of the holidays and the end of a...

When the Holidays Are Hard

The Holiday season is in full swing, and I’m having mixed feelings.  Part of me is excited, like I usually am this time of...

Favorite Things Party

The Knoxville Moms Blog team got together this month for a Christmas party.  We met up for some good food and a Favorite Things...

Tips For A Safe Food Allergy Holiday Season

Food allergies are a tough part of life, but during the holiday season it gets even more rough.  With so many different places to...

Keeping Fit During the Holidays

The Holidays – a wonderful time of joy, love, thankfulness, celebrating, family, friends, and food.  Also a time of busy schedules, parties, relatives’ houses,...

Making Apple Butter

My friends and I got together this fall to make apple butter.  It was my first attempt at this homemade, crafty thing, so I...